Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Whimsey's on Warm Shingles, Felines, and T-Willy.

Thanks to the the loverly ‘Grooder, Moped and I got us some comps and were finally able to catch the "Cat" remount over at the Theatre Garage. We nib nibbed some cheap sushi and veeno down at Chino (Where we both ogled the very fetching and curvaceous bartender) before heading down in time for curtain. It was okay. Better than that, I’d wager. Definitely worth a look. And what we both agreed on, was that it was hyped up so much that we both had extremely high expectations going in. The performances were powerful, I just think that there were a few (And they were, in a word, very few) pacing beats that took me out of the moment.

Still, if you missed it, too bad. That was some pretty good stuff from my Super Secret Girlfriend.

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