Monday, September 11, 2006


Weekend just took the wind out of my sails, lemme tell ya. I'm getting old. Sue.

Frids was chill. I watched "Hero" for the 1st time, and I gotta say it was a beautiful crafted movie. Not so beautiful was the fact that I have the original criterion DVD from China (purchased from my friend YND last year b4 he spit the bit to LA) and that fucker is only in Chinese. Like- instructions, chapter lists, everything...written in Chinese. Took me nigh on 30 minutes to figure out where to find the English subtitles. Fug.

Sats I got to help Moma move into her new pad while her dad gave us moving instructions that improved our productivity 23%. It's a cute place, fo sho. Nice little upper level duplex, sun room, office, etc...Girl doesn't have much in the way of stuff, per se which compliments her gypsy/hippy personality. She smart, that girl, as is evidenced by the number of books she owns and loves. Hardcover books. Heavy boxes. Stairs. Sore Baby P.

Upon completion I was too tired to even move. I tried plowing through the script for "Amadeus" and got as far as Salieri's initial attempt at seducing Constanze when BONK gone. Sleepy buddy.

Dorajar trundled over, wiped out, and after some din-din and a bath we got our energy levels up to about 68-73%. Good enough to jump to lightspeed. Which we did.

We hit the Elsinheimer's for CeeB's b'day celebrations and I gotta tell ya...There weren't nobody singin' nuthin'. Seriously, I remember last year there was a wait of waits to even get a slip in. Instead, the MC's hunted me down to help them sing "California Dreamin'". (Ummmm,okay?) Duddy and Red showed later, as did D'Gang and we frassed and BS'ed before hitting a wall...And so there we were. Back to Zombie status.

Did you know when you're at some bars and you order a diet coke and everyone else is drinking, they don't charge you? "Do you know how I know you're gay, Baby P?"

Sunday mi Padre' came over to assist with Haus Frass. We finally (finally) installed the light fixture over the sink (Which, for some odd reason or another...looks kinda like a boob.) So that lil' PJ is off the list, leaving the following to round out the summer/early fall:

-Ceiling Fans (3) In my room, the 'Beans room, and the porch
-Fini' the Pergo on the Porch-o
-re-sand and stain the stairwell
-get the rest of that mulchy mulch down

Yeah. Nada problem.

Busy week this week. Projects, Auditions, Searching for meaningless part time employment, studying, karatying, and frassin'.

Monday Night Foo-Ball is heute nacht. I'm thinking of pooping over to Kaiser's new pad to see a little MNF action. Skol, Douchebags!

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