Friday, September 08, 2006

Oh...that's why.

Karate has been great lately, you know? Really good. Classes are aces, and I've been paying particular attention to the level of soreness afterwards. (Hammy, Groin, and Hip flexor frass can 86 classes for a few weeks. Because I like to LISTEN to when my body is hurting...cough cough.) So I trade in kicking as high as I can, or hitting the hardest and fastest during drills and substitute what I should be substituting- accurately performing technique and proper memorization of body placement. (Easy enough, you see, to do a nice sudo...but are your feet in the proper place? Shit, man, some black belts aren't folding deep when they do their folds. Gotta get that shit right. It's about respecting the art, yo'.)

Up until yesterday, everythings been aces and applesauce. Coz we did "combinations".

In my zealous haste, I requested the instructor run us through curriculum ad nauseum for the next graduation. I explained that I understand that we'd be doing drills, but since their were a couple of underbelts learning the jist, it'd behoove us all to do white through black curriculum in know? Repetition never hurts.

Kata, fine. Self-Defenses, fine. Bo form? Meh, but getting better. One steps, could stand for some review, but getting better (And I can only do my own belt level so much before I get mega bored.)

But those frassin' combo's.

My hammies and the backs of my knee's are screamin' today. Like, Kung Fu Hamlet hurtin'.



Unknown said...

Hey, so what belt are you now?
Did you graduate in August?

P said...

Nope. Putting off graduation until I get really, really good.

Unknown said...

Sweet :)
Me and you - January - make it a date.vm