Monday, September 18, 2006

Irrveybuddies in skool...

MD is taking night classes...

Dorajar started a new job at the Ooniversity, with a later intent of taking grad classes.

Quite frankly, they’re mad as nutters.

College was college to me. I excelled at the right brain stuff (As most artsy’s are wont to do) and decelerated at the left brain stuff. Except science. Loved science. Is that backwards? When I got out, I felt ready to groove.

So it figures that my employer, who follows strict gov’t regulations now makes it mandatory for certain employee’s to become licensed to manhandle our products. They pay for the daily classes. They even provide us with a cash reward for passing. The material…is just, frickin’, boring. Like, Ny-quil for the brain boring. And I’m a slow reader for material such as this, and in spite of my best efforts to stay positive and focused it makes me feel like I have the attention span of a parsnip.

But…if I want to keep putting the douche in fiduciary (Read: Keep my job) I gotta pass.
Ugh. It’s taken me a week to get through chapter one. A week.

And the scary thing is when I listen to "Marketplace" on MPR, I actually kind of understand what they’re talking about.

If only the text book were a movie with ninjas, lightsabers, hobbits, and nudity. I’d have probably watched it 7 times by now.

I have a sneaking suspicion that classes this time around won't involve toga parties, kegger's, bike rides from the East to West Bank, and orgies in the pit of Rarig.
Thanks, Enron. Dicks.


P said...

You'd need to bring over a couple of outfits m'dear. You'd be invisible underneath layers upon layers before we even settled up unit one.

Grump. > : (

Unknown said...

I could bring a ninja sticker book and hide pictures of ass whooping ninjas randomly through the book. Maybe then the material will be exciting!!!
If not you get free ninjas!