Friday, April 01, 2005

The sucktitude of moving

Man...I could rail on and on about this new office! It takes me almost 8 minutes to heat up soup! Do you hear me? SOOOOUUP!!!! I'm nearing the completion of the 1st week and I realize that using the analogy "growing pains" to describe the move is inaccurate. More like trying to squeeze yer buns into that pair of Girbaud's you loved so much in the 10th grade. Nah-Gah-Happah* (Not gonna happen). Oh, and the building cafeteria? Called the "servery".
Lame cubed.

Saw "AG" again last night for the ladies final show as Reno and She sounded even better than Sunday (Finding her sea legs and all that) Big bro, his weef, and my old dear friend gay Steve were in attendance. Steve and I did "AG" together back in hoch schule, so it was a fun little trip down mem'ry lane for the both of us. 2 errors in the evenings plan were (1) deciding to pick his butt up at his home in Shakooppee and (2) letting him smoke in my car. I told him that I wouldn't care if he did, but my car smells like Newpimp Lights. Eeeeeeeyyyeew.

This whole smoking infringement argument is making me kinda laugh. S's and NS's alike know that smoking is bad for you, Right? Smoking has been banned in most every public place except for designated area's. I can even remember being in grade school where plumes of smoke issued from the teachers lounge (Or In HS it was called "Dirtball Hall") These were issues that were pretty big in their time. People keep missing the historical perspective of issues, and when they come up again the forgetfullness creates a fervor that can blind us from issues that are of greater importance. And the biggest thing, that this too shall pass. If the decision to ban smoking from certain bars destroys the economy within five years...I owe my readers a Coke. And a carton of Camels.

Funny side story: My 6th grade teacher had a daughter who eventually went into acting and now gigs here in the cities. A few years ago, we were in a show and I had the chance to meet with she and her folks for cocktails. (It seemed kinda fun. Having drinks with my 6th grade teacher...the one time bane of my 11/12 year old existence). Anyway, Mrs. N told me that she used to smoke. She started laughing at my agog expression and she explained "Oh yes, I smoked in the class room, correcting papers. In fact, I know I needed a smoke when correcting your tests..."

Last, but not least: I don't get hung up on image and I never have. People who freak over that shit need a better hobby...cause it's a waste of time. To be cool? I think you need some fucking discipline. Discipline is pretty cool too. And being healthy, losing weight, exercising, forcing yourself to try and get enough sleep, gagging your way through a job that doesn't have as much meaning as your passion? Making a relationship work? Helping a partner quit smoking and dealing with the bad tempers and shit that comes with it? INSTEAD of saying, "Fuck you- I'm going to the bar....?" 7th grade is thataway. That's why the Target Market is 12-17 year olds.

I'm fairly certain that I'm still cool. I even engage in some fairly dangerous practices myself- And I don't need a gun. Fucking Chuck Norris.

(ps: Brandon Lee's last interview ---Man smoked like a mo-fo'ing chimney. It's all about personal choice, is all I'm saying.)


Anonymous said...

I'll cop to being pissed off at the immense whining re: the ban. Dudes, we have other battles to fight.

Sorry I missed your girl as Reno. I'm sure she was amazing. That *is* her default state, after all.


Frethem said...

Anytime the Goverment tries to tell someone what they can and cannot do I take it to heart. You gotta start somewhere.

P said...

The government has been telling us what we can and can't do for years budy: They're called laws.

If the gov had decided: To outlaw smoking in general, that they would not recognize a citizen if they were a smoker, detained/arrested smokers, and/or made any other impediment to an individuals personal freedom (I'm saying personal freedoms- The business owners are expected to comply with clean air standards much like the MN Clean Indoor Air Act.) Seriously- Impose on our personal rights and freedoms, then I'd be with you all the way.

The only imposition on smokers is that they just aren't letting you do it where we all eat/drink/let our kids play. This will eventually pass, Twin Citians will accept it, and in another year or so everyone won't be trippin balls one way or the other. (There was something about conceal and carry "something" that I vaguely recall...)

And like I said IF, after the ban has been inforce for a couple of months/years, and it is proven that it has had a debilitating affect on the businesses, then I owe you a coke. What I can't do is stand behind an issue when it is ultimately about health and public safety, no matter how minimal the healthy aspect may be.

I was glad that you posted the places where folks can go and smoke, and that you take measure to contact your congressperson. Apathy only weakens society, and it makes me feel good that the friends I associate with take a proactive stance in their government. It's our right to make a choice that is the barometer for freedom.

(I just wish some people would take 5 minutes to understand the affects of their choices...or what they say. That's a way different segue', but DAMN Kaiser, the Callboard drives me NOOTS with some peoples ramblings! And that's coming from a rambler!)