Thursday, April 21, 2005

I can't be mad...

I had more "Getting to know P-ism’s" listed here. I’ll post them later, but I had to get this out.
1st- I am turning into my dad. He’s the kind of guy who fancies himself a mini-Bob Vila, y’know the type? He has all these dang tools, figures he can (and to his credit, usually does.) repair and/or fix everything within 5 minutes. Every job, in his mind, takes 5 minutes. Whether it’s mowing our huge ass backyard, painting the ceiling, or changing the oil. Yup, Darren McGavin in A Christmas Story, is my old man. Within recent years he has started to admit that (gasp!) not all jobs take merely 5 minutes, going even further by stating some of his limitations even. Whoa…what happened to my dad? What did you DO to him Mr. Space Aliens?

The problem with him being Speedy McSpeederson when he does fixits/etc. sometimes (usually) he breaks what he is fixing, followed by a tirade of profanity that would make a merchant marine blush. This was evident during my recent drywalling debacle. (Many superfluous holes were accidentally punched due to rushing the job. As Marge Simpson said: Slow and Steady, wins the race.)

Well LAST night I decided to take on a relatively easy task of removing the nasty decorative border in our nook. With 8 ft ceilings I had placed one foot on the ladder and the other foot on the worktable. In my mind, I knew from the start that it was a bad idea, and I had an image of J looking at me in a chastening fashion. So, when the table collapsed, nay, broke in half and I went splaying face down on top. (Think "pro-wrestler" getting tossed out of the ring and onto a table.) I actually took it in stride and figured I should probably call it a night, but Noooo…I kept working, and decided to switch my talents toward the upstairs and get the window that wouldn’t open fixed quick. (The paint glued it down, see?) So, taking the putty knife and slicing carefully around the window, I grip the handle and shake it a little to start it open. The wood moved, the glass broke, and I said the "F" word so loud that I’m sure Fred N’ Sal heard me all the way down the street. Sighs…. I am my dad. And my fingers hurt.

Portana…I know you’ve been struggling girl. I know. I feel ya. But lemme tell you…A fuck it, lemme not. A tip folks: Buy land and have someone build, is all I’m sayin’. Or rent. I'm pissed.

1 comment:

Portana said...

Do you know how close I was on monday to calling my realtor and saying "put this damn house back on the market!"? My brother in laws words were the only thing that helped me through those last two days... "Take the night off, eat some chocolate and watch a movie" I did just that. Life at the abode is somewhat better now, but no where near settled....
Then again, as of late I have been accused of not being a settled person, so I have that going for me. Great.