Monday, April 18, 2005

I am the mighty THOR!!!

And what t a mighty-mighty weekend. Didn't see ANY damn thee-Aytre (my original goal). If you folks new how tough it was for me to actually get the motivation to put my ass out in a theatre seat you may sympathize. Or maybe you wouldn't. Friday I had a date with priming the kitchen. My first coat all but sucked, so I had to do touch ups. (And, do them again Saturday morning because I couldn't see what the eff I was doing. Daylight is much better for painting.) The costume shop was a terror due to the people that didn't leave... Yes, they showed up at 5 minutes to close and yes, they kept us at the store a full hour after we locked up. I did precious little to hide my crabbiness, so I made sure they got a full dose of Haughty Butler from me. Prick sprinkles.

Later I napped, then headed on over to Kaiser's Palacio De Gato . (Palace of Cat ) He has this cat that's cute as hell, but almost 5,000 years old. It is Methuseleh. I imbibed WAY too much, which meant I did the P thing and talked way the eff too much. I am a conversation hog. Nice...dinglefritz. Can't even go out for a drink w/o being selfish. Kaiser, let's actually play darts next time. It keeps me focused and will help me STFU.

Sunday, It was a day of outdoor mega-manual labor where I pick-axed the hell outta some tough roots and took my mighty hammer, Mjolner, to the shitty looking retaining planter in our back yard. (It's great to do manual labor pretending to be a character from Norse mythology. What's also nice is that you sweat off the previous nights naughtiness ) I destroyed it like it 'twere nothing. The hammer and pickaxe I mean. I had to pony up $50 to replace them for my big brother. And today? I'm so fricking Thor I can hardly move my damn fingers. (Seriously, I couldn't even open those stupid baby carrot snack packs I usually bring for lunch. I am pain.)

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