Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Some Random things you should know of the P.

In case you had needed a better understanding.

I listen to MPR to calm me down.
I get really pissed off at other drivers when I’m in the car by myself. This is partly due to my 1st driving instructor being a cop (Dad), where we incorporated some very unusual techniques in my driving. ("Don’t ever drive like me" was his motto. Whoops) Needless to say I get very frustrated at people who drive poorly for the plethora of reasons that they drive poorly. So BAM! On goes "Morning Edition" or "Garrison Keillor" and my clenched jaw relaxes. My love J uses "smooth jazz" to calm herself down…me, I just like the background chatter. AND, I can pretend to be mildly informed of current events.

I don’t care for TV or Concerts.
Seriously. I hate all reality TV with an unbridled passion. I just don't understand how people can take a night and label it "Amazing Race" night. And even though J has an "Idol" fetish, which I admit to following early on in our relationship, I’ve now dropped the habit entirely. J tells me that she watches TV because she likes the background noise to unwind to after a busy day of being creative/rehearsing. Me? It’s only that. Noise. And after a long day, I love blessed silence. My disclaimer is that I just watched an episode of "The Shield" and "House" and I am really digging the acting on the shows…BUT I just can’t get into TV anymore. Except the Simpsons and X-Files early season re-runs. I like movies. DVD’s. And plays. But I don’t get to see enough of those either.

And I’m really sorry Kaiser and Portana, but TV sports do nothing for me. I used to watch a little of the Extreme Fights and boxing on pay per view, but I then I got kinda bored. I like watching Viking games at Tracy's and Superbowl Sunday on TV and that’s where it ends. * As for concerts, I’ve been to about 5 concerts in my life **, and every time tix were free. Don’t get me wrong, I love music (Food of Gods and all) and I like seeing live jazz, but that’s about it about that.

Even though I’m a geek, I don’t care for vids.
Booooring. I’ve graduated from Pong, to Atari (We couldn't afford Collecovision or Intellivision) , to Apple 2E (Oregon Trail anyone?), to NES, to Playstation…and then I stopped. Now, I used to like fighting games, and Jedi games. (The only games I owned were Tenshu, Tekken 3, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Spider Man, and Jedi Power Battles) but then PS2 rolled out and I realized by the time I had any $ to afford it, the next model would be released. So I quit. Now, I grew up on RPG’s, and even though the new PC games can help you relive those days online…I’d rather read a book. Nowadays, you just won't see me playing sports games. Yuck (Another big reason I don't like vids was that there was the time my buddy had me over to play vids and I sat and watched him play for half an hour before I decided to leave. This guy clocked 70 hours one week on a video game. Yeah. *** Don't get me started on things that strike me as a waste of time. )

I love bar trivia.
NTN, live trivia…it rules. ****And I like darts and bowling and pool, it’s just I’m not all that competitive with recreational activities so I don’t like playing with people who take it so frickin’ seriously. (It's hard for me to have a good time) Just like Golfing etc. I just don’t have the patience or the inclination to play. And don’t get me started about playing cards. Yeeech. I’m not a Friday night Poker nighter kinda guy. I get bored playing Uno. UNO!!!!

I have no love of politics.
Sorry, I know they love me. I read the news and do my best to keep informed, but I prefer to keep my opinions to myself. If I had the time I’d definitely be more proactive and involved, but that is scheduling for you. I can’t involve myself in them, so I don’t feel comfortable bitching/arguing/discussing them. I really believe in deeds, not words…y’know? And my issues tend to lean toward the domestic, but that’s all you’ll get to know. ***** Same thing goes for religion. For those of you who attend city council meetings, write letters, and work hard to get your dude elected…I commend you. (I’ve done it before, and I know that shit can be exhausting.)


* I love going to live sporting events. Especially Saints Games. Live sports are about the only time you’ll see me narf down a hot dog, and chug a beer. Both, prerequisites of enjoying any sporting events. And Wild Hockey Games kick all sorts of ass. (Greedy bastards)

** My concerts, in order: Weird Al Yankovic (1984) , Beach Boys (1991), 1991 Special Olympics Mega-Concert w/Prince and others, Trip Shakespeare (1992), Sarah McLaughlin (1997), and most recently (ugh) Celene Dion (2004). I think I would still like to see Prince, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, and a U2 concert…But still, only if they were free.

*** I love going to Arcades ala’ Gameworks. Those are pretty fun. And even though KOTOR, KOTOR II, Jedi Academy, and the new Spidey game were fun, I only got to play them for 5 minutes before he took over. Recently, at that Best Buy overnight shoot I tried my hand at a couple of sport games in the store. Got bored. Went back to my book.

**** There’s a reason, or rather a woman, I dated which took me off of the Bar Trivia thing. No Kaiser, you don’t know this one. I can tell you the story someday, ‘cause it is damn funny…one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen my big brother do. I also was (almost) in a fight w/ a dude at Bar Trivia when he started swearing and slamming his board after he was bumped out of 1st place ('Cause of yours truly). I told him he was still kickin' ass and to calm down. He then started screaming at me. So I had the owner escort him out. Over trivia. Get a life dude.

***** A few causes I believe in: Medical research: Cancer (Breast Cancer), Aids Research and Awareness, Community Outreach, and k-12 Education are huge to me. Especially EDUCATION! Children learn what they live, y’know? We’ve gone from being a society of optimism and opportunity to one of fear, expectation, and immediate gratification. I want, I need, I deserve. Fuck that. Get real, Get a job, and get with the program. Parents need to let their kids eat dirt, get hurt, and read a book. And start getting school programs on the same page...all schools.


Anonymous said...

2 things:
#1 - politics - I'd love to sit around over a bottle of Pino and discuss politics with you, P. Which, if you know me, is funny... cuz, I don't follow them either... so, I guess what I'm saying is... wanna have a glass of wine and sit in silence? ;-)
#2 - deeds vs words - totally agree. tell me something until you're blue in the face... show me something and I'll believe you.

Frethem said...

Write your state representative... email them. Do you vote? Then they have to listen to you. Tallen can't talk, she's not a US Citizen. ;-)

I send emails to my reps all the time. Hell, I send them emails for my shows. They're public servants. Get on email lists, sign petitions, pledge your support, donate to worthy causes. Potlitics are fought in cyber land these days... you can do it without ever leaving your desk. It's remarkably easy, and if you don't do it you have no right to complain about anything wrong with your country.

Discussing is promoting awareness... not all deeds are physical actions. Sometimes Deeds are words.

P said...

Deeds are words- and the act of writing/making a phone call etc. is an “action”. Dork.

So yes, I absolutely agree with you on giving examples of both the ease and simplicity doing your part as an active citizen. (Not to diminish the role of inactive citizens. That would be akin to bashing the lazy, and I will not fling that type of mud, thank you.) But, I think I said that. I was railing against the armchair politico’s- People who lean to a particular side or party and bitch about the other parties stance for no other reason= The uninformed and ignorant masses who expect and don’t act. I see them argue and complain and scream and it frustrates me that they can’t communicate in an effective manner. That immediate gratification, selfishness, and expectation has overcome their common sense.

Christ, it’s not about right or wrong, and it never has been. Government should continue to be about checks and balances. About viewing issues from a historical perspective to avoid the same errors we encountered in the past. Energy crisis? Um, didn’t this happen in the 70’s? (And under a democratic President, I might add.) No $ for the arts? Baby, we haven’t had sufficient funding for the arts in hundreds of years. The “forgetfuls” bitch, argue, stand and point. The issue is eventually dropped for something which is new and topical, only to be rehashed and re-debated at a later time. Kaiser, the circular nature in which political arguments are held (With two people arguing points, and not discussing realistic and practical solutions) and never truly discussed in an effective format is what bugs me. It never comes across as “what do you think and why?” or “why are they thinking this way”. It’s just an argument. I see them, and I get bored.

And you know something? Some people lack the capacity to see another side. Others can create solid contradictory statements, and stand by them ‘til the bitter end. While I can admire the steadfast thinking, the passionate sticking to the guns- I also happen to think that it is a major waste of time. And boring. Find a practical solution.

No, I’m not a fan of the current administration, but I refuse to sit here and say “F the president, he sucks”. That thinking needs to stop, and start with something solution based and continuing with positive discussion. “But P, what about blah de blah de blah de blah?” What, what? You lost me. Talk to me, people. What do you think? What is in your letters to YOUR representative? What has been most effective for you to get your point across and make changes?

(From MPR) George Bush was speaking at a fundraiser about his social security plan, where he discussed the same issues as previous engagements. (Quote) “Well, social security blah de blah de blah….and private acccounts blah blah blah…And blah (President chuckles at something which he might think was a joke) blah de blah de blah retirement. Frippedy Frip. And stuff.”

Frethem said...

So I typed out a nice long comment about this whole thing then f*cking IE crapped out on me. I'm not writing it again... there are many thoughts I wish to add to your nice little post there Massa P. Vino will be consumed, we shall discuss, and you have no hope of DICKtating this conversation my friend. ;-)

Bowling Friday?

Anonymous said...

I think it's hilarious, P, that you and I were at the same Weird Al Concert.

P said...

Kaiser: Veeno and conversations I love. Just so long as it isn't about religion or politics. I'll hide. Or Cry. I'm sssensitive, just like the new condoms I bought. (Bowling, probably not. Devil Inside, perhaps? W/Thingytails afterwards?)

Geef: Best damn concert evah. My big brother barfed after going on the Enterprise 7 X's in a row. Yes, he was that kid.

Frethem said...

We were discussing Saturday for some Devilish happenings.

I meant to discuss the I'm right, and you're wrong whole situation. I've been pretty into that one recently.

I'll talk to tallen and see what she thinks. Perhaps Friday would work, perhaps we'll still go bowling without you. ;-)