Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I did it again...

I had a cookie. It was Chips Ahoy. Super Chunk. I’m a weak, weak man.

But…it’s no "Monster Thick Burger". I mean, Jeezus Pleasus, 1,417 calories and 107 GRAMS OF FAT? That’s your daily allowance and then some in one freakin’ sammy! That thing looks like it would afright Homer Simpson. (btw: Spencer's Gift has a great T-shirt of Homer in a Sombrero that says "There's a 'New' Mexico now?") For all my healthy-health readers out there who don’t always have time to prep food, there is a great link on the site for "Fast Food Nutritional Information" here. Give it a whirl or a print if you need reminded of how bad some big name fast food joints want to make us look…bad. Scary.

J’s been getting tempted by some of the older cats in her show who have been subscribing to the Atkins diet. Now, if you are pretty portly and you think ketosis (*) will work for you, go ahead- It’s a quick fix that works for the short haul. I’m saying that cutting down/out refined sugars, and dragging your butt outside to go for a walk can help too. So does hitting an old gypsy in your car on a deserted road. (Thanks Geef. Where was my head?) Anyway, she smacked her own butt last night trying to prove some point, and for the life of me, I forgot what she was talking about.

*Letting your body use the protein to keep muscle and the fat for it’s energy stores (Instead of Carbs which would promote the krebs cycle to act as the energy catalyst.. This is what a bodybuilder will do "pre" competition to promote vascularity and definition. Please note, that having a diet that entirely consists of protein can potentially place undue stress on your kidneys. (Which is why test studies have shown that in certain individuals with a higher protein intake in their diet have an increased capacity for acquiring diabetes and kidney stones.) I talked J out of it after I said we were having bacon-wrapped chicken on a pork-chop bun for dinner, and tomorrow we’d have ground sausage coffee in a turkey breast filter with extra soy. She was, (ahem), not amused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"She was, (ahem), not amused."
Made me giggle.