Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Mister Fancy Pants

So, at this party last Saturday I decided to dress a little dressier and don a tie and dapper lined slacks w/a leather blazer. Peeps were cappin' on me for gussy-ing up for a party (Okay, they were mostly asking why I got so "dressed-up") which I really technically didn't feel was all that dressed up. Really, I live only 10 blocks due West of them, and since I really had time to do it, I did it. No spectac reason. I just figured it was time to gussy up. Now, this isn't really as big of a deal as I'd thought, but it looks like I'm not the only one to go this fashion route.

Scary. I didn't even know how to tie a tie until 6 or 7 years ago, and I taught m'self. And since the formal wear store has a business dress code for employee's, it's forced me to get saavy on trends and styles despite my initial reluctance to take the job seriously. (Except when I don't feel like tying a tie, then I can just clip on one of he laydown models. Easy Peasy Japan-easy.)

1 comment:

Frethem said...

Who the heck is nanook? Other than an Alaskan Mallamute from "The Lost Boys"...