Friday, April 08, 2005

Chatty P Fatt

Dag, yo! I broke up today's parade of tirade into bite sized pieces so as not to choke the average reader.

J plugs away every day in rehearsals for Booty and the Beast. We are relishing our Monday nights and Sunday afternoons (Even though this Sunday we're gonna have more man-well labor in the form of plumbing repairs. Galvanized plumbing will be going bye-bye and replaced with copper. Thank goodness too, 'cause our watta is trickling out sssslllooowwly.)

We had yet another home snafu. J calls me at work yestiddy and sez "Honey, I think we have a problem". Normally I'd freak out like it was a pregnancy scare. (eeeeeeeee) but home-boner's know better. We had a little back up in the basement which caused some pooling. One visit from our friendly neighborhood plumber and the subtraction of $160 from my account, and it was right as rain! (And you folks wonder why I can't get to shows? My house is holding me upside down and shaking out my lunch money!) J's dad, once again, proves how much of a blessing he is to us by being at the house to let in the plumber (Both J and I were working).

The Callboard asked what sort of alternate skills and services you offer outside of theatre that may help peeps in theatre. I didn't think I had much but then I epiphed and said, "Oh...yeah"
Geef, I'd forgotten that I've trained dudes in previous productions starting back at the "U". And dude, you give me way too much credit. It was your disclipine has got you where you need to be, and that shit is sooooo cool.

Rocket came on the radio, again, and I still couldn't figger out the gawdamn lyrics. ROCKET, YEAHH! SAY MAH NAH MAH NAAAAHH!!! GUITAR, drums.... Ah poop. Something, words and stuff.

McConnaghey was on Conan a few nights ago, and last night J's old HS buddy Steve Zahn was on. Both Pimping "Sahara". In my sleepiness, I asked her which I was more like- Dirk Pitt, or funny-buddy. She said "Both, but I thought you were supposed to be Spider Man."

And I need to qualify 2 previous posts.
1) I liked "Closer" because some of the behavior reminded me of how stupid I was when I've been cheated on. It made me think, and I appreciate a movie with dialogue that honest. Although, to my credit, I've never called an "ex" a useless slag. ( Even if they were) I hounded them for details even though it killed me, and turned the whole shebang into an emotional self-flaggellation when in truth the best thing I could've walk away. Reason #602 why I really like who I am now.

2) The Granite City Caesar Salad was swimming in Balsamic Vinegarrete. Which meant my salad tasted like Ah-Nus.

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