Monday, April 11, 2005

I plumbed...

That’s right folks, J’s dad and I ran the pipes up from the basement to where the kitchen sink will (eventually) live- meaning we are one step closer to civilized living. And even though it took the better part of the day and my basement floor looks like a T-1000 exploded all over (Terminator geeks out there? Anyone? It’s from all the solder splatter, get it?) Today’s observation is that profanity is mandatory when doing home repairs. I would like to say that it isn’t true, but you may have never cut out a galvanized pipe that is painfully installed BEHIND the new furnace. WTF were the previous owners thinking. Fucking pipe…SEE? I did it again! Shit.

In true geek fashion, I asked future Dad-in-law how much it would be to purchase my own solder and torch.

J’s Dad: "Ehhh, probably $20-$25 for the whole show. Do you think you’ll be doing some more plumbing?"
Me: "Maybe. I was also thinking about making a lightsaber for a friend of mine and I think that it would help"

They’re so happy to be getting me as a son.

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