Thursday, April 21, 2005

Random Facts, part Deux

But wait…Butt-Waiter…I’m twelve.

I’m a big fan of weird, off the wall comedy.
Kids in the Hall, the State, Monty Python, The Young One’s, The Muppet Show, El Simpsones, Steve Martin…The best stuff ever. And I still happen to think scatological humor is pretty funny. (*) Basically if you watch a funny movie and something is put in it for comical value that makes absolutely no sense…I’ll crack up. (Insert tennis ball falling here.)

I have a damn good memory. (**)
I remember really strange details explicitly. Not just things like Jr. High Locker combinations, more like detail , meetings. I never forget compliments (Cause I get so damn few) and acts of kindness or generosity. Something non-theatre related about the Geef- This dude has been Mo-fo’ing helpful to J and I, even before I really even got to know the guy. (That dance floor was frickin’ heavy dude. It moves so much easier when it is disassembled!) On our first "dinner at my place" date, J called me "beautiful". I’ve been told I’m a cheeseball with compliments, or that I lay it on thick. Whatev. I give some creedence to Karma, but I give more creedence to memory. People remember when you do/say nice things. Things like that kick ass. If you want an example of something you did (not just toward me, something I saw.) you let me know.

I’m fiercely loyal (***)
That shit’ll get me into trouble someday. I’m fairly certain most peeps reading this drivel know what I mean when I say this. I’ll getcher back, etc…"Oh that P, he’s all about loyalty and honor like he thinks he’s some gawdamn ninja. " True to life kids. Blame mom and dad. Big brother is even more dramatic about it than I am. "Hey thanks bro" "What are you talking about? You’re my fucking brother. Jesus!" Yeah. We’re like that. Manner’s and Honor. Here’s to honor- get on her, stay on her. HAR!

I’ve cried during the following movies:
Top Gun, Fox and the Hound, Awakenings, Big Fish, and (Even though technically not a movie) the episode of Punky Brewster where she gets sent back to the orphanage and George’s camera store get’s closed. (I will destroy you if you laugh about that last one. I stopped watching it after I found out Punky grew boobs. Really, that was what the whole damn episode was about. Oh, Soleil, how they did grow…poor thing.)

I hate handguns (****)
I believe in protecting our right to arm bears…As the child of a cop, I grew up w/a patented respect/fear for firearms. I just hate’em.
"Maybe you killed Serrano?"
"The guy who killed Serrano needed a gun…" Brandon Lee still kicks ass. RENT RAPID FIRE!

As much as I like Spider Man...
I get really tired of getting the damn knick-knacks. Stop. I am Spider Man and you’ll just need to accept it. (*****)

I know how much I talk, and how annoying I am.
I’m working on it. I really am. You’d be surprised at how much I’ve toned that shit down.

I hate passive aggressive insults
"That’s so Gay" and "That’s retarded". I just can’t get those retarded phrases out of my gay-ass vocabulary.

I use ghetto vernacular because I grew up in the hood. Yo. (******)

If I win the lottery, I’m buying Pust a truck
Don’t ask. It’s stuck in my craw. Fuck, did I just say "Craw"? "Robster Craw’s? What the fuck are ‘Robster Craws?’ " Damn Funny.

I wore trenchcoats and fedora’s to school.
Not because I was an outcast, but because I loved Dr.Who. I even crammed my pockets full of shit like he did. Remember, I attended Weird Al concerts and loved the Talking Heads.

I went to 6 proms in high school.
I just thought of that since it is prom season and I hate my 2nd job right now.

I don't mind working in a corporate environment.
I know it's not for everyone, and it isn't really my first choice of profession. What I think is that people who go on tirades about corporate America being evil are (IMHO) being a little bit dramatic. And I prefer keeping the drama onstage.

That’s all I got for today.

*Brit-coms were always on before Dr. Who. And I’m convinced that Will Ferrell is the 2nd coming.

** My Dad and the Geef are two other peeps I know of who also have uncanny recall. At his retirement, Daddy-o’s buddies at the Sheriff’s Dept all commented on it. That, I thought was pretty cool. Frickin' Geef remembered the state One-Act competition show my high school did! That is also really cool.

*** About the loyalty thing, It’s caused me to be kinda cheated on a lot. So, loyalty has bred a little stupidity too. My buddy, who I was gonna write off for never calling me? I’ll probably be happy to hear from him anyway. We few, we shallow few, tend to forgive easily too.

****My dad helped implement the Drop yer Guns program in the early 90’s. Remember that one? Helped the gang-bangers trade in their Sat Nite Specials for $. It’s over now, but there is a weird little statue in the front of the Henn Co. Govt. Center as a result

***** Little known fact- I used to wear my Spidey suit under my street clothes when I went to school in 1st and 2nd grade. My teacher had to call my mom and dad to find out why I was taking donations to join my fan club. Dad also used to get calls from our neighbors to "Come get your kid out of my tree. He’s where them damn pajama’s again!"

******Brooklyn to tha Piz-ark. Don’t trip. I was asked to join mad-many gangs since I was so good with num-chucks and stuff. I still need to see that movie.

I still have no love of politics.


Portana said...

I hate politics too, and I am 100% behind you on the whole land building thing. Next house I own, brand new, built by others, I just walk in with my clothes. Thats how it will be done....

Anonymous said...

There is no perfect house :-( If you want a house, it's gonna have problems, like a new car will have twitchy things that shouldn't go wrong, cuz it's new... new house will have twitchy problems too. Until I hit the power ball or marry Rich (I know he's out there), I have made my decision to live in my house and take the crap that comes with it...
I just raked the back yard, put out grass seed, watered, pulled up stupid stumps that someone previous thought would make nice landscaping... and I'm getting excited about how much I'm going to enjoy sitting around the fire this summer and looking at the flowers I'm going to plant and the patio that my mom's gonna help me design and that stupid feeling of satisfaction and pride in seeing my hard work and how much more it really does mean, because I did it myself (with a little help from my friends). With every bit of effort, blister, dirt smear, back ache, paint stroke, lawn mowed, hole dug... I'm making this house mine. After feeling like a nomad for so long, I'm loving it... I'm home.

**of course, check in with me in a few weeks when I'm actually in the dirt and making the patio... I may have a different tune to sing ;-)

Frethem said...

Who's going to mow the lawn? /:)

Owning a house is nice, yardwork sucks. Condo life for me personally.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing I am... You did it ONCE! One time you helped me out by mowing... one time you held leaf bags open for me to dump leaves in... I raked 'em and I mowed every other freakin' time last year and I'm sure I'll do most of it this year (actually, probably all of it after this response). Breakin' that puppy out pretty damn soon, grass is already past my ankles (in the back yard).

P said...

Yep, I'm gonna have to trim me some bush and pull me some roots this weekend. Wait, why is it that sounded so damn euphemistic?

When y'all see my back yard you'll understand the conundrum I'm in. It's pretty big for a city lot.