Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Now that was a good night.

1st, let me start by saying that not all talks couples engage in are bad, or even gross out lovey dovey. (I’ll admit to having engaged in both.) Sometimes when you have a talk, the outcome can cause you to look at the person with awe and amazement…And sometimes it’ll get your blood pumping too. ‘Nuff Said.

I’m loving my Monday’s w/J. Last night we went through the kitch and started our detailing primer work (Of which, I’ll need to finish priming the Ceiling and walls.) We timed it out so that we worked for 1 solid hour, and then took a quick shower so that we could watch a flick. We opted for "Sahara" if only so that we could (A) See her former class mate Steve Zahn say his funny-funnies, and (B) Take a Clive Owen Break. (Sin City was our 1st choice, but that woulda been too much Clive Owen for one week.)

It was an okay movie, (Worth at least a rental) but it lacked a cohesive sense of closure. (In other words, it wasn’t deliberately left the way it was to pave way for a sequel or to seem mysterious. Just enough Deus Ex Machina to finish the film…blame it on the studios.) Personally, I think J wanted to see the McConnaughey’s semi-nude bod…but I digress. And what is the fuss over Pee-Nee-Lope Cruz? There was nary a lick of chemistry betwixt the two leads…at least I didn’t see it, nor did J. More chemistry between Zahn and McConn.

Anyway…got home too late to bowl. Sorry lovers. Can't we all bowl on a "non" school night?


Frethem said...

You pick the night son, and I'll meet you there!

I've actually been discusing doing an exodus to the St. Louis Park Tavern for one of their dance party, knock the color'd pins down and win money nights. They do it on Fridays and Saturdays. Not this weekend, but perhaps next weekend on Friday?

If that location isn't too close to your old pad. :-)

Anonymous said...

Friday! Bowling! Leopard ball and pink shoes want to come out and play!

Anonymous said...

NEXT Friday... the 22nd! that's the one... P? You in? That the day? Come on!!
(sorry, had to clarify my Fridays)

P said...

Maybe, possibly, could be possible.