Friday, April 22, 2005

I was about to write something pithy for Friday.

About the big kid day job-
(The ladies in policy accounting crack me up. 7 of them have joined weight watchers and are acting as moral support for each other. They’re always power-walking through our building and counting "points". Also, I think the big-dog bosses daughter who works in re-insurability has been checking me out. This is not my imagination, and has been confirmed like a bigfoot siting.)

About my weekend-
(I’m seeing TDI tonight w/Kwaiser and Talon. Tomorrow is a party at my neighbors…fun to say, "At my neighbors"…Saturday also marks J’s last "Anything Goes" @ the Chan! And I get a much needed private lesson at the Dojo, ‘cause- that’s right, I ain’t working tomorrow afternoon)

About my family-
(They’re nuts. And my big brother is buying a house in Prior LAKE!!!??)

‘Bout J-
(I love that girl. She’s gonna be a Napkin or something in B & B)

‘Bout the cookie I snuck
(J caught me red handed. I swear that cookie was talking to me. Chips a-mothafuckin-HOY!!!!)

Yet, job #2 kicked my ass so hard last night with a ridiculous amount of customers: (40+ and I was the only one working!) That when I left- (Which was considerably later than I’ve ever left) It felt like I had been kicked in the stomach multiple times…and, um, since I’ve been kicked in the stomach multiple times before, I can tell you with SOME authority: Really Sucks. And really hurts too. Have a tremendous weekend peeps. I imagine I'll see some of you tomorrow night. Recycle, will ya? It's Earf Day tuh-day!

1 comment:

Frethem said...

P, I love you and all... but... WILL YOU TELL ME if we're meeting before the show at Corky Ramano's or not? ;-)