Thursday, April 28, 2005

Have you hugged your kitchen countertop today?

Seriously. Maybe you have a small house, or maybe you aren’t too happy with you current living situation. But you probably still have a kitchen, right? I encourage you to tour your kitchen (not to clean, just to look around for a bit.) Now, run your hand along the Formica/sillstone/granite counter top. Run the water in the sink for a sec. Enjoy the familiarity of those late night fridge visits where you may have feed a noisy kitty some wet food at 3 a.m. Or get yourself a glass of water. Nice that you know where things are. Maybe you’ve told a guest: "Top right shelf, next to the microwave" whilst directing someone to get a wineglass. Maybe you’ve a fond personal kitchen memory- like how parties always seem to magically gravitate into that room. (Hey, it’s why I usually gravitate towards that room. It’s the social hub, and closest to the fridge. It's where the booze and booze mixer’s live.) Maybe you’ve relived the naughty kitchen scene in the early part of "Fatal Attraction" Get that memory in your head.

Why the sense memory exercise, you probably aren’t asking?

In one week from today, our cabby-cabinets are getting delivered. We have officially been without a "kitchen" for the past 4 months. I was reminded of this last night as I was washing vegetables in the bathroom sink, then heading downstairs to do dishes in the (nasty) old Laundry sink. I thought that despite the exorbitant fee we paid for the kitchen, it’s gonna be so worth it when we get a kitchen again. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a caveman boy scout- so the jury-rigged kitchen set up we’re using now is sufficient…but I’m getting a we bit tired of the upstairs/downstairs crap. Barring any damage to the boxes, and structural crap that would act as a preventative…we’ll be back in the modern age in 2.5 weeks. (Homer impression)
"Mmmmmmmm…. Fatal Attraction Kitchen Scene."


Portana said...

I hear you with the whole no kitchen thing. Done that with bathrooms in a few other words no running water (or hot water) and going to the gym to shower. Props to you for doing if for four months. My bathroom reshuffles have only lasted 3 weeks and 2 weeks accordingly. Except for the house that I lived in my Senior year of college. Six months of showering at the college. Oh well, it was cheap rent.

P said...

Yeah. The bafroom is the next big PJ for us. We have to get the downstairs one ready to go, then we get to attack the upstairs.


Frethem said...

Is it bad that I feel no acomplishment or will to do the domestic rehabing of a domicle? Yeah sure I like moving around furniture and stuff, but I just dont understand the whole paint and fix and upgrade thing of a house. Maybe once I actually own one, but in the mean time I get enough contruction from working at a theatre.

Course I suppose... I used to tinker with cars all the time. Heh. Tinker.

P said...

I hear you. The most I'd ever done up until now was apt. turnovers when I was a caretaker YEARS ago. Heck, my folks were never even really ever into home reno's. When J and I first moved to SW together last year, it started off simply enough w/grounds keeping and a little painting of the poopy paint.

When we finally decided to buy, we figured that if we were gonna buy older (We like the charm, y'know) we'd probably wind up with some work. Now, we COULD have left the place as would have been ass, but it would have gotten us through. J, is made of a different stock, and she basically plowed into everything headfirst.

You'd be amazed at how gung ho you get regarding home repairs when you have no running water. When you buy a home, you just start getting weird ideas.

Anonymous said...

I started small... repainted the upstairs bathroom, new light fixture and new cabinet handles... that took me long enough damn it! It did make me apreciate the 3/4 bath in the basement though. When I bought the house, I found it such an odd thing. Not a finished basement at all... not a large basement at all... but, someone decided to install a 3/4 bath down there... It seriously made me laugh when I bought the place. Right up until I started showering down there every day so the paint upstairs could dry properly.

More painting and lights in the 2nd bedroom and diningroom... Oh, how I'd love to redo my kitchen. I gotta tell ya... seafoam green is not my personal idea of a stylin' kitchen.

This is the summer of landscaping though! The grass that was at my ankles last week... well, it's about to my knees now. Turns out, after the mower is in the garage all winter, it needs some work before it starts up again... who knew? ;-)