Friday, September 29, 2006

I have a DAY!

Today is the Feast of Michaelmas?!? No wonder I've felt so lethargic!


: P

Wrong side of the biz-ed...

So, outside of the general malaise/ennui that has sapped my energy post-Ivey's, I've discovered that my overall tolerance level for other people's bologna has fallen considerably.

A generic graphic-

Here's Baby P- : P
Here's his tolerance. >: 0

Normally, my tolerance for other folks bullshit is high. Water off a ducks back and all. But lately it's been a stew of pi$$ and vinegar that I think has been caused by external stressor's which has had an impact on my frassy mood. (Series 6, Tuesday Hangover, Impending Car repair, Impending site move to Woodfrassy, the anger and insensitivity displayed by peers, Cold-Ass Weather and not being ready for it, work "fires" that need tending and cause me to have to stay later than I normally do and force me to miss my class, coming home just exhAUSted and not having the reserves to even go downstairs and do a couple of crunches. Whine whine whine whine)

I could fill that glass half full. I'm learning fiduciary non-sense. My car does need fixed and it'll be nice not to worry about it. The weather makes for gorgeous leaves. The anger has forced people to recognize there own behavior. Work makes me busy, busy='s fast work day. I'm forcing myself to run through my forms at home and Kil Sim is committed to memory (Albeit- that new bo form'll be a bitch, and it's gonna suck when I have to switch schools to Wdby)

Yessiree...Gotta stay above the turmoil and look for the silver lining, pip-pip, wot-wot, chin-up and a stiff upper...whatever.

So...turning the frass back internally, I'm usually greeted by the smell of fresh brewed coffee at 6am brought about by the coffee auto-timer. Today? I smelled hot water. Turns out I got the coffee maker ready, down to the filter in the basket...I just didn't add any coffee.

It was then, only then, that I realized that today could suspiciously become: One of those days.

Mmmmmmm, boiled water.

Have a great weekend, frassers! Home cooked Thai tonight (Boy, did that Thai Guy freak when he found out he'd be dinner) Followed by finding out where the h#ll all the sites are for the G/G tours (Saint Paul, is still baffling as a mo-fo. I promised I'd be readier this year) followed by Kelly's to say "Hi" to the Gangle-Bangle.

Ren Festing and seeing RSvP and my Seester in Law in the afternoon, followed by "Big Ed" Stroutables B'day. Sunday? No rest for the frassers...I gots some MORE PJ's to do.


Thursday, September 28, 2006


Anyone wanna take this series test? Anyone? I'm, a little concerned. With all this studying, and now re-working (going over) the routes and sites it's feeling like I'm back in college. Next thing you know I'll be wearing my bathrobe to Thtr 3327 due to staying up until 4am studying neo-classical through realism with a coffee from the Dinkydome in one hand and a backpack in the other...the strange smell of cold pizza from Galooney's wafting off of me.

And I'll re-develop an affinity for Busch Light Draft.


In other news, and to piggy back on the Mo-peds recent blog. I can TOTALLY tell that winter is here due to the fact that I feel freaking RAVENOUS. I hang a louie from Lowry onto Warshington during my a.m. commute and haaappen to pass a BK on the way. My desire for a Croissanwich is becoming overpowering. And I actually hate those things.

SPEAKING of brefkist (and coffee for that matter) how...LAZY and moreover freaked out as a society have we become that McD's offers to put your cream and sugar into your coffee for you? No no no no no. There is a specific CHEMical formula in creating the perfect Baby P cup of diner/restaurant/coffee shop coffee (MD, I'll break it down for you all scientific like if you want. Let me know if I go too fast, okay?) See, it's kind of like DNA- It's a little different for everyone. Me, if it's a cup-cup? half a cream, two sugars (preferrably raw sugar cane) At Urban Harvest/Audubon typey places? Enough skim to lighten the dark roast and 2-3 real cane sugar (Depending on my mood. Huh? What do you think about THAT McDonalds? Can you guess my mood on any given day I'm frassin' through a drive through after a hangover and I'm fiending for a Sausage McMuffin w/egg? Huh? I didn't think so.)

I mean, seriously. A couple of years back, some douche spills their coffee on themselves causing a lawsuit and a "practical" (snerk) disclaimer on every lid/cup stating a cautionary warning to all ye who sippeth here that thy contents be hot. No. Shit. So NOW they have to offer to mix your shit for you? Is this a "service", bc it seems more patronizing than anything. Will they be serving their sammies in bites sized portions next to prevent choking? French fry bits that dissolve easily in your mouth?

Uh-uh. Don't touch the morning magic, bucko's. That's when I turn into a rassin-frassin' alchemist, dig?

*When I'm at home, I just use fat-free French vanilla creamer. Although my French hasn't improved at all. Where's THAT disclaimer?

Supernatural sarcasm

So the G and G season is here again and we had our lil' gathering last night to frass over routes/sites/and characters. Muck-Muck, in all his glory starts in right away on the latest ghost story he experienced. (He's about as far away from being a skeptic as you can get. Like, anti-skeptic. All skepticsim is absorbed into his body like a black hole.) The lastest ghostly experience was how he was behind the bar and apparently a spirit came at him. ("Uhhhhh, I HATE it when they walk through you!" Like, you know, they walk through all of us on a daily basis. )

This quirky belief is one of the charming things about 'im and the reason why I consider him a buddy, so I frassed back with my Park Square ghost story from last fall and how ghostly spirits are seemingly impervious to a decent side-kick (Don't ask. I don't know what it was in the lobby, I just know something tripped off my spider-sense and I side-kicked the wall.)

So I when the meeting was over I went to use the loo and I got to thinkin'...always a bad sign. When I started to head out I went over to Muck-Muck and with my most sincere and concerned looking face I said "Dude...there was something f#cked up in there..."/"Really? Whaaaat? Did you see something?"

"Yeah...(Breathes deeply) I was in know...going...and something...a ghostly hand..reached up from the urinal basin...(another breath) and grabbed my dick."

Most folks are sniggering a little at this point.

"Shut up. You saw something in their"

"No no no dorkus. I can't lie. It was me. I was the one who grabbed my own package. Sheeeeeesh"

I don't think we're going to be scheduled to do tours together after this.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Why does that award look like a $ex toy?

Another year, another Ivey's. Has it already been a year? I remember last year being warmer. Since most of my 4 readers are actor's, I'll skip the pre-requisite dither about "The Ivey Awards are a way of recognizing the rich and colorful palatte which comprises the Twin Cities Theatre Culture". I always have a blastola at these things, and truth is it's about as close to a gussy-up awards ceremony as I'll attend. That, and the fact that I love a party- I'm there.

Although, I had no business being at work yesterday. Why? Welllll, it's a pretty simple formula really:

What does 1 designated driver (Dorajar) 2 flasks (Mine and Mo's) and a frassy ADHD addled dork equal? Tiiiipsy Baby P! (And I'm loathe to type drinking blogs, but this is the party of parties) See, we are smart creatures of nature, we are. We remembered that last year at the after party (And let's face it, the before party.) getting kinda gouged due to the price of drinks- ($9 glasses of Pinot Grigio, I might add). I feel this was semi-remarkable as most of the Ivey attendee's are, in fact, poor actors and usually can get by with paying that amount with a little extra as tip for their entire bar tab at Market. So, flasks were in order. (Very necessary for some....cough cough...of the musical numbers)


-When I first spied Mo, she took my breath away. I'd like to inform the fashionista's that I contributed to her earring selection, thank you
-We decided to have Chinese Niblets for dinner. Something novel about two folks in their fineries, hunched over Steamed Chicken and sticky rice.
-Like last year, I ran into RT Rybak before the Ivey's, AGAIN. And I called him "Your Eminence" AGAIN. (A joke I find profoundly funny. It got a chuckle from his grace. He'll remember me someday)
-Sneaking a Ginormous clove of garlic off of X's dinner plate at Palomino b4 hand. Since I get very affectionate on the drink, and if I happened to kiss you good night, and if your eyebrows melted off as a result-Sorry. I have a make-up pencil you can borrow.
-Seeing all my mates gussied up like that warms my heart. Redwright, FeeJ, Red 2, SR, Huge, Duddy, LSA, Adia, Jabas...the list goes on and on...
-Getting huge hugs from people. (And y'all know my feeling on big hugs. Love)
-Melinite looked great, but I kept on with the "Matrix" references when I probably shoulda just STFU
-Running into people who were telling me I need to see their next show.
-Making very sure I told people they look great. (Seriously. I would have kicked myself in my own balls if I had forgotten to tell a single soul. Staring, does not constitute praise)
-Getting a hug from the Old Man, which surprised me. Later in the evening, apparently I grabbed his a$$. At that point, I don't remember how many people I did that too.
-How many people can I possible hug and kiss good-bye? Apparently, a lot
-After Gremlin Theater was announced, whispering into PH's ear "Who the f#ck are those guys?"
-When SR was up on stage saying to my date"Well, it's a good thing she's ugly...sheesh"
-Laughing my a$$ off at the Church Basement Ladies and the Sez She monologue.
-X, Dorajar, and I all taking a loooong solemn pull during the show. You know...
-Screaming when CC won
-After party was much spacier. At least we had the almost the whole of the Crystal Court to move around
-HOWever, $9 Chardonnay? F##k that
-Seeing my super secret crush SF and getting ANOTHER huge hug. For some reason I always think that she won't remember me. ("Why?" sez Mo. "Because she's 12?")
-Convincing a photog from some Twin Cities rag to take a picture of FW and I. AND, thinking the caption in the paper would read "Twin Cities stage veteran FW and some random douchebag enjoy drinks at the post-Ivey's party"
-I probably didn't talk to enough people. Schmooze, network, whatever.
-By the end of the night, that was probably a good thing. I woulda embarrassed the hairy fuck out of myself by saying something untoward, or smacking the Lifetime Award winner's a$$ saying "AttaBOY Tiger!". I would have been sincere and meant it and all...just probably not cricket.

(sighs) Truth is...I'll probably be remembered as the tuxedo'ed guy that chased after the appetizer server's gorging himself on the tartare and cucumber slices, groping everyone and reeking of garlic and Dolce & Gabbana.

So dearest readers who may have also been Ivey attenders- Sorry if I was obnoxious/didn't say good-bye/etc...Crowds and cocktails make for Baby P at his most flibbertygibbeted...

But I love you. And any event that celebrates the wonderful and expansive family that is, in fact, the TC Theatre community is a truly beautiful gathering. And I do mean that.

Now would someone please fucking cast me already? ; P


It's been an age since I've been to a cabin. Cabin parties were a common summer staple from 1991-2000-Trading in my own cabin in Quamba for my friends out in scenic sunny Spooner, WI. A streak of high-maintenence S.O's nearly curbed my inherent enjoyment of getting outside, frassin' in nature. (Camping with Dorajar is literally the first time I'd been tent sleeping in...well, far too long.) So, I was pretty jazzed when I got the invite to head out to a cabin. In my feisty imaginator, I was conjuring images of dirt paths. Graded gravelly dirty roads. ("Take da dirt road" was how we'd describe the turn off to our cabin) and a 1, maybe 2 bedroom shack without running water, hand me down furniture, and space heaters. It would be lucky to have an indoor terlet.

You know. A cabin. Like the one in my brain. Or from my youth. Heck, I even thought that this cabin we were going to was in Wisconsin. (It wasn't)

So after I pestered her for info ("What do we bring, what do we need etc...") and I was told "Just some sheets" I became a little leery. The Boy Scout in me (Yes, I ate a Boy Scout. I was hungry a half hour later.) wants to make sure I've got everything I need and not be stuck in a bad sitch without materials if I can avoid it. So I made certain to ask our hostesses if we needed anything else and once again was assured that no, we didn't need to bring any extra food and that the cabin was actually up Nort' slightly past Mille Lacs*. (WTF, P? How did this conjured image of WI come in to your heid?)

Even though I say this to peeps, I truly need to have a little more faith.

Although, my first clue that things weren't what they were to appear when we met up with our hostesses on the road, following them back to the cabin (Ever notice when you're going to a cabin, ANY cabin- It's always a bastard to find the place? Like a roving fucking speakeasy, they are.) and we took a righty onto a driveway.

What? Do mine eyes deceive? Nope. It's a two strip black top driveway. Annnnd is that a sign saying that "this home is protected by ( ) security system" and is that a gabled roof garage with an additional living quarters for guests? And has this cabin got two bathrooms and a recent variance for a basement? Is that a player piano?

Right. Clearly this was not to be your typical cabin visit. Think that's posh? You shoulda seen the neighbors cabin. Oh, did I say cabin? I meant chalet. Lemme put it to you this way, do y'all remember Kevin Costners cabin in "The Bodyguard"? Right. That's the neighbors.

I gotta tell you though, in spite of not being the "cabin in my brain" we had a great time. Sure, it was rainy and shite, and it wasn't really conducive to campfires and s'mores we were productive in so many other ways. We played us some board games, ate a ridiculously cheap and delicious brefkist at a Diner in Crosby (sidenote: Sliced cheese is the Devil) antiqued until our feet hurt, and headed back for more games and Dinner ala' Moped. Not cowboy chili or hot dogs, but pasta with garlic/tomatoes/Red onions/feta and a side Caesar. Clearly, it was rough.

Sunday we needed to head back relatively early so we said our goodbyes and skedaddled. The drive home was idyllic and beautiful. (The leaves, just outside the TC Metro, are exploding with color. Why do I feel like I haven't seen the leaves change color in over 5 years?)

My family is in the process of re-building the sight of our old cabin for a new fangled model similar to the one we stayed at. While it isn't the same as the old one, it's looking to be a huge improvement.

Roughing it, indeed. ; )

* Creepy, is driving over the roads by Mille Lacs at night, and knowing...knowing that there is a big fucking lake right next to you.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Too Cool For School...

I just shot a digvid for work on how I "Make it Happen" which may or may not make it onto our website. This is completely stupid of me to start with, but they shot it on a disposable digital video camera. CVS. $20. You shoot. Record. And bring it back to them and they burn it for you. (No clue as to how much that lil' process costs. Hmmmmm)

And I think that that is the coolest frassin' thing. Sheeooot. I'd film the hell out of, well, things.

No I wouldn't. I'd be narcississtic and gross and prolly film myself doing lascivious things to, say, the statue of Mary Tyler Moore Downtown...or one of the Snoopy's in front of the Uptown Diner.

I get excitable about many things. Technology is no exception. Except I'm the biggest luddite in the world.

I got no time to meme...

1. You and Jesus go out to dinner - who pays?
No worries Christ. I’m flush right now, it’s cool. (How can you not wanna buy Hay-zeus dinner. He’d probably just be cool with the bread basket and some water anyway.)

2. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt an alias. What is it?
Barton Krumcake

3. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently?
Delaware. Hi…we’re in Delaware.

4. You wake up as the opposite gender what's the one thing you wanna try?

After waking up, I’d shop for some duds, and enter the workplace as a woman. I’d discover firsthand how gender inequality affects my life. I’d challenge. I’d argue. I’d demand equality. I’d want to make an impression so that in my wake, woman would get more and better opportunities than men. Later, armed with this knowledge, and after returning to my own gender I feel like I would be a more enlightened human being.

Of course all of this would take place after I checked out my naughty bits.

5. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo?
Luke. Jedi’s rule!

6. Toy you always wanted but never got as a child?
GI Joe Aircraft Carrier

7. Top three celebrities you wanna do.
Jennifer Connelly, Natalie Portman (From "Garden State" only), Mo Collins…cause she’s funny and stuff

8. What's an automatic deal breaker in a potential significant other?
I’m not that fussy, but discovering she had a wiener would probably force me to call the whole thing off.

9. What is the last movie you saw that actually scared you?"The Excorcism of Emily Rose" was more disturbing than scary. Otherwise it’d have to be "Ultraviolet". It scares me to think such a toxic wastepile of a film exists.

10. Stupidest thing you've ever said out loud?
Everything. Most folks think I’m a flibbertygibbet hammy talkymeat.

11. You're sentenced to death and it's the morning of your execution, what do you want to eat?Buffet Food and a magnum of wine

12. What's something that most people do that you've never done?
Break my leg jumping on the bandwagon.

13. Before you die you want to go to...?

14. Something you'd really like to do but probably won't ever be able to do?
Be recognized for outstanding achievement in…something. (Comedy or acting would be great. )

15. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet?
Badger. Badger Badger Badger. Or a panda.

16. What drug will you never try.
Most of them

17. If you were an animal what would you be?
Ooooo, totemistic. A wolf. Always been that way.

18. If you had to marry someone you knew at the age of 12 who would it be?
Probably some cartoon character like "Lady Jane" or "Scarlett" from GI Joe.

19. What's something most people don't know about you?
I love well, deeply, and so hard it hurts.

20. First celebrity crush?Tina Turner I think?

21. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities?

23. Favorite breakfast bread style (pancakes, waffles, toast etc...)?
As a kid I would have jumped on the pancake bandwagon. These days its wheat toast, with reduced sugar jelly, or home fries

24. Favorite parody movie?
Waiting for Guffman

25. Worst way to die?

26. Grossest injury you've ever seen?
There’s some sick s#it on the interweb. And if you’ve ever seen an EMT training guide? Don’t read the chapter on "compound fractures" immediately after dinner. IJS.

27. The worst injury you've ever had?
I have to say out of all of the nicks, cuts, bumps, nosebreaks, hyperextensions I’ve had? I’m gonna say having my heart broken was by far the worst feeling I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t ever wish it on my worst enemy.

28. Favorite thing about thanksgiving?
Being with my family. Annnd gorging myself on white meat turkey, mashies, oyster stuffing, and wine.

29. Sport you hate the most?
I’m no hater, but I’ve always been fascinated by the rabidinous nature of sports fanatics. I take that back. Poker and Golf. Two things I cannot, for the life of me, get into.

30. What city in the U.S. do you want to visit?
San Francisco

31. What's something you think would be sweet to know everything about?
Love and how to spread it so people actually give a shit.

32. Favorite Actor/Actress?
I have a group of favorite everythings, and not just one.

33. What's one phrase you absolutely detest?
I think the dismissive "Whatever" followed by the qualifier "like" are abhorrent. (And even when I write, I include "Like" for the sake of irony.) And not to have a distinct tie in to #27, but "I don’t love you any more" is fairly loathsome.

34. What makes an awesome party?
Frass free (No fights, or people being douchebags). Friends (A must. Who’d invite enemies or douchebags unless you’re planning on their demise. Sick) Fellowship. Food. Liquor. And if I had the capacity, I like being able to supply everything. So folks can just show up, chill, and have a good time.

35. What's your material obsession?
DVD’s and Cologne. If I had the $, I’d have considerably more of these things.

36. What's something most would consider an insult but you like it said about you?
He’s crazy.

37. Favorite kind of dog?
Compact, Mid-sized, not a shedder

38. Favorite carnival food (everyone has one)?
Pronto Pup/Fries/Deep Fried Turkey Sandwich, but ONLY at the State Fair.

39. Morning or night person?
I’m a day person

40. Worst drunken/drugged up habit?
Dominating all conversations, and an overwhelming urge to (A) make everyone laugh and (B) taking my clothes off in order to kick everyone out

41. Weirdest ebay purchase?
Never done it. Amazon, Overstock, yes. But nothing I’d consider "weird"

42. Favorite food to eat when you're wasted?
Wasted. Riiiiight. I want some Frrrrrrench TOAST (Seriously, all you Taco Bellers and White Cassholers take heed: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can top the joy of a "Tremendous Twelve" at 1:30am)

43. Its Saturday at 3am where are you?

44. Who's your favorite friend to go out with?
Mo. We chill. A good hobby.

45.Worst job you've ever had?
Kitchen Bitch at a Nursing Home. For gross.

46. What's something your friends make fun of you for?
Hammy Flibbertygibbet talkymeat. Waxing Tangential. Dislike of the term "Branch"

47. Favorite cereal?
I’ll pass
48. Book you could read repeatedly?
Just one? Nooooooo!

49. What's the meanest thing you've ever done?
Wheeee! Let’s see: Told a girl I’d slept with on occasion that I was in love with my ex-girlfriend in order to diminish her crush on me. Annnnd backfisted my best friend and nearly broke his glasses when he was made some condescending remarks toward me whilst drunk.

Yup. I’d wager spent the better part of 1997-2000 being recreationally snarky or mean for means sake. (Not always, but that’s how I spent my pre-quarter life crisis) And because of that I made a lot of close friends and random folks feel bad. And that’s kind of why I think folks should maybe put a little thought into what they say before they say it. Words can fuck you up. And being an asshole is not a difficult, coveted, or talented role to play.


50. What was your best Halloween costume ever?
Meh. I’m hoping the repeat one I make this year works out all right.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

*Aught Six Co Pic Brain Dumpski

*That’s short for the "2006 company picnic"…btw

This cold a$$ weather’s making me frassy. I’m still too lazy to dig out my cold weather running gear (Really baby P? Finding an excuse to NOT exercise? Surprise surprise surprise…) and I went into the basement to get my sweater box which only served to depress me more since it’s a gonna be a cold one this year I hear tell (After a succession of warmish winters, we’re due. Newbies to MN…be prepared) so now there’s the arm of a sweater gamely hanging out of the side of the box. I’ll bring ‘em up later.

Today will be a bit of a brain dump so for those so inclined to enjoy tangential rants, take heed for I have news: (And apologize for the slightly misanthropic brain is full, and hurts)

I’ve got revenge on the people who burn popcorn in the breakroom (Vom) and bring suitcase sized lunchbags that take up valuable fridge space. I put liberal doses of minced garlic in with my soup girthening tomatoes, effectively making the fridge smell-ah-like-ah garlic. Buh-wha-hah-hah…

When will spinach be okay? My soup just isn’t as girthy without it.

The Co-Pic was in Roseville which is cool since it’s only a skip away from mi casa. I went home and changed from work duds into jeans and my "612" hoodie. Still, I was cold. It was cold. Ish-kabibble.

There were door prizes, including a s#it ton of ipods and a plasma tv. I won nothing. Ironically enough, all the "Senior Leader’s" made off with the good stuff. Man. They make the money…why can’t I win? Not even a Vikings baseball hat. Fug.

Someone asked my if my "612" hoodie said "G-12"…"What is that, like, a code or something?" Right. It’s like the G-8 conference, only 25% G-er.

They served Famous Daves ribs and chicken parts. I would’ve been happy if they had chicky boobs and 86’ed the 25 Ipods I didn’t win.

I had two wing type pieces and that was it. Picking off the skin, and trying to get the precious little meat off the bone I received a bevvy of questions from my work mates. "You didn’t get any cole slaw or potato salad?" (No) "Why are you picking the skin off? Oh, that’s right…you’re a vegetarian." (No, I just don’t eat the fatty bits. And I like chicken and fish…I just don’t eat hot dogs, brats, ribs, burger’s, and most red meat is all.) "At all!?!?" (Well, I had a nice piece of ribeye on Sunday) "Don’t you like cole slaw?" (Not really. If they had baked beans I woulda messed those up though) "That’s so weird!" ...I went home and ate a Boca.

It was actually a fairly successful picnic. Folks seemed to have a lot of fun, people were being goofy. Outside of the temperature it was a pretty good time.

Series licensing continues to be a bane. Today we were proctored with an outside SME consultant to discuss terms and theories in the dreaded unit one. This don’t happen to yours truly that often, but wow: Blinding headache. And I have more studying to do yet.

God gets ya: Starving after training, I threw my soup/tomato/garlic mess together and popped it in the ‘wave. My co-worker sidelined me with questions, so I got back in time to stop the ‘wave before boiling my soup to oblivion. Whilst pulling it out, I managed to nearly knock it over (Which woulda made me soupless and caused hella big mess) but my CATLIKE reflexes stopped it from spilling. Not. Before. Some of the contents splashed on my hand. Yes. It burns. Yes. It hurts. Right there in between my thumb and forefinger.

Ivey’s are coming up on Monday. Got my tux (read: Banana Hammock) ready. What? If all goes well, we’ll have a nice group going. Safety in numbers and all that. But, and I’m pretty sure I’m not mistaken, it was actually kind of warm last year wudn’t it?

Rounding back to the cold weather, just standing/sitting around at the Co Pic really drained the s#it out of my energy. Wiped the heck out.

I hope I can get to Fest this year. This weekend is out due to some camping frass.

Ghost and Graves tours are on like Donkey Kong. Pray for good tour partners.

To do’s: Workout, including a jog. Crunches. Fu’. Study.

Good plan, Maynard. Let’s see if you actually capitalize on it.

Mooooore ME ME!

It's a shorty though, I promise.

1] describe your last kiss?
MiMOsa this morning. I wanted it to linger, she was cold and wanted to get into her car.

2] whose car were you in last?
My own

3] what was the highlight of your weekend?
So many to choose from it’s hard to choose: Fancy Pants dinner with Mo. Seeing "Kid Simple". Chinese niblets, Wine, and "Garden State"? My folks coming over to help install a ceiling fan and saying they liked the house?

I’m gonna go with Sunday night dinner at Redwrights with Mo, Mom, and Dad. Bliss. And awesome vittles. Rocky stayed in the car.

4] what color shirt are you wearing?
Black Kenneth Cole sweater over a white stretchy dress shirt from Express Men. Label, Whore. And what, # 4? You want my pants too? Okay, charcoal gray, fucker. What do you think of that? C’mon! Bring IT!

5] how long is your hair?
Too. Long. It’s gone from rakish mop to freakish fro.

6] how long have you been friends with your best friend (s)?
Adam: 15 years. Steve: 12 years. Ryan: 6 years. RSvP: Life?

7] who's on your mind right now?
Not who, what: Series 6 testing, and feeling like a moron b/c none of the material is sticking.

8] last show you watched?
10 minutes worth of "Kung Fu Hustle"

9] last thing you ate?
Whole wheat toast w/low sugar preserves. Yogurt is next at 10 am. Regimented diet, and anal. You know it.

10] last thing you drank?
Just finished my coffee, and now I’m moving back on to water. I’m craving ice cold cran-raspberry juice tho’…

11] where did you sleep last night?
In my bed

12] do you have a significant other?
Yup. And a few insignificant others to boot.

13] when was the last time you smiled?
When Per-Per sent me a message that said MPR is interviewing a "Sandwich Mogul".

14] what did you say last?
"Aw fuck…another code red?"

15] where is your phone?
On my head.

17] what color are your eyes?
Blue N’ Bloodshot

18] what shoes are you wearing?
Jeez 18, are tag teaming with #4? So unfair. (Black dress lace ups)

19] who came over last? Came over who what?
Mo, I guess?

20] name the last three things you have bought in the past day?
Wine. Diet Coke. My freedom.

21] do you hate anyone at this time?
Nope. It’s more like pity, rather than hate.

22] what are you listening to?
The drone of office banter.

23] what's your favorite scent?
Dolce & Gabbana on moi. Whatever pretty stink on anybody else.

24] what would you like to rid the world of?
Intolerance, Ignorance

25] what was the last drug you took?
Papa took his supplements this a.m., which included some Ibuprofen. I. B. Sore.

26] what was your last good dining out experience?
Friday night with Mo. We had an incredible feast together at Zelo. Flatbread with tomato and prawns for an app.She had the Fusilli Lunghi, and I ended up with Linguini Nero. Tiramisu and coffee for dessert. My only regret is that I didn’t get a bottle of Pinot. (I should have known better)

27] what is your current biggest fear?
The big one is over. Now it’s just staying on top of it. (My car breaking down, come to think of it...)

28] what's your favorite word?

29] what is your least favorite word?
Cancer and C#nt. And I tell you what folks…I’ve only used the latter once. And it was justified.

30] who makes you the happiest right now?
My family. My friends. The thought of becoming an uncle.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Listy and Listless...

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
All of them, but mostly the home equity line of credit b/c it just…doesn’t..move

2. What's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
Zelo is up there.

3. Last time you puked from drinking?
Um, I can’t even remember. Pre-2000?

4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
Medora. It’s about the only place I know that let’s you.

5. Name of your First Grade Teacher?
Mr. Stout. Mixed 1st/2nd grade class.

6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
House frass or work out.

7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
What didn’t I want to be? Forensic Pathologist, US Special Forces, Spider Man…

8. How many colleges did you attend?2

9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
Polo shirt days are dwindling.

10. Gas Prices! First Thought?
Fucking pricey, happy they dropped

11. If you could visit anywhere, where would you go?
Europe. The whole of Europe.

12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
I didn’t set it.

13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
Thank God.

14. Favorite style of Underwear?

15. Favorite style of Underwear for the opposite sex?

16. What Errand/Chore do you despise?

17. If you didn't have to work would you volunteer at an art gallery?
Most definitely

18. Get up early or sleep in?

20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?

21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
I don’t think I have any

22. What would be your ultimate dream job?
Freelance Philanthropist

23. Do you belong to the mile high club??
Oh. Right. "Sex on a plane"…Most flights don’t last long enough. (Ooooo, dirty dirty)

24. Your Favorite Lunch Meat?
Turkey Breast

25. What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart?
I’m more of a Target guy. And it’s toiletries and some other superfluous object that I get suckered into buying. Target could charge a cover and I could be dirty-assed poor and I’d still pay it. Damn you, Bullseye. Damn. You.

26. Beach or Lake?

27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?

29. Favorite Guilty Pleasure?
All you can eat Buffets. Indian. Chinese. Thai. Vegas. I’m ruthless. Although I’ve scaled back from the 3 plate days and I can usually get 2 in before starting to feel uncomfortable in my pants. (Oooooo, dirty dirty)

31. What's your drink?
Caffeine. Lots. (Capt. Diet, or Pinot Grigio)

34. Do you cheer for the bad guy?
I beer for the Chad guy.

37. What do you want when you are sick?
I’m rarely ill. When I am? Sleeeeeeep.

38. Who from High School would you like to run into?
My ex. Then I’d back up the car to run over ‘er again! HEY-OH (I’m kidding. Brownie? Toussaint? Steve? I just re-connected with a HS mate recently, so I feel pretty good about that.)

39. What radio station is your car radio tuned to right now?
89.3…the Current baby.

Apparently an "Amber Alert" needs to be issued for 40-44

45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work? She’s out on maternity leave, so…yes?

47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Wolfgang Puck or Emeril. I’d be guaranteed a fantastic meal.

48. What famous person would you like to sleep with?
My super secret cadre of girlfriends is growing. I’ve recently added Natalie Portman after seeing "Garden State" for the first time. Any other appearance, though? She bugs.

49. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose? Just for practice at a former job . I tend to put out fires with my body50. Last book you read for real?In the middle of Series 6 licensing. Wheeeeee.

51. Do you have a teddy bear?

52. Strangest Place you have ever brushed your teeth?
At my desk at work.

53. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
Wine Country

54. Number of texts in a day?

55. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship?
Career, yo.

56. Do you go to church?
Saint Paul Cathedral for the gorgeous architecture.

59. How many jobs have you had?
Since 1993: 4
As an actor. A couple

60. What do you want to achieve in life?
Peace of mind. Barring that, I'd personally like spinach to get better.

YAR! (Ninja's are still cooler)

My pirate name is:
Bloody Roger Bonney
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network

Monday, September 18, 2006

So…I get this flyer in the mail that has an near-nekkid man running his fingers through his hair in the mail. Skeptical, I accept that this is a flyer may in fact be for an upcoming theatrical production. Without flippin’ the card, I first notice the playwright: Rod Serling. "SWEET!" I exclaim. Mr. Twilight Zone is giving us a play that’s going to be about, like, aliens and telekinetic freaky kids and shit. He wrote a PLAY!?!? This is gotta be geek paradise. I felt duty bound as an actor to see this work. "Maybe this ‘Heavyweight’ for which it is titled will be crawling around on the wing of a plane, or some shit. Maybe a freaked out passenger will see this totemistic and frightening demon ripping out parts of the fuselage." Oooooo, do you want to see something REALLY scary?!?!?!?! Remember that line? Scared the pants off of me it did.

Then I flipped the card over and found out it was actually about a down-on-his-luck boxer who’s past his prime. WTF? What kind of false advertising is this? Boy, was I fooled. Then I thought "Maybe the boxer makes a deal with the devil or some shit and then fools the Devil into not taking his soul during the last few moments of the play?"

No? You probably think that I'm setting myself up for disappointment then, eh? And you nay sayer's are going to tell me next that there's probably nary even a butt-f#cking alien midget in the entire production. Harrumph, I say to you naysayers...

You shoulda seen how pissed off I was when I found out "Foxfire" wasn’t the same as the 1982 Clint Eastwood action thriller about a guy who can control a plane with his brain. It was about old people and shit. Although there was a ghost. Ghost's are cool. And seemingly more Serling-esque.

Seriously. How cool of a play would that be? Sssshshrrrroooom! Vrrrroooom! It’d be GOLDEN!

And can I get some poor bastard to undertake directing "A Fish Called Wanda" so that I can play frassin’ Otto? That’d be cooooool.

Irrveybuddies in skool...

MD is taking night classes...

Dorajar started a new job at the Ooniversity, with a later intent of taking grad classes.

Quite frankly, they’re mad as nutters.

College was college to me. I excelled at the right brain stuff (As most artsy’s are wont to do) and decelerated at the left brain stuff. Except science. Loved science. Is that backwards? When I got out, I felt ready to groove.

So it figures that my employer, who follows strict gov’t regulations now makes it mandatory for certain employee’s to become licensed to manhandle our products. They pay for the daily classes. They even provide us with a cash reward for passing. The material…is just, frickin’, boring. Like, Ny-quil for the brain boring. And I’m a slow reader for material such as this, and in spite of my best efforts to stay positive and focused it makes me feel like I have the attention span of a parsnip.

But…if I want to keep putting the douche in fiduciary (Read: Keep my job) I gotta pass.
Ugh. It’s taken me a week to get through chapter one. A week.

And the scary thing is when I listen to "Marketplace" on MPR, I actually kind of understand what they’re talking about.

If only the text book were a movie with ninjas, lightsabers, hobbits, and nudity. I’d have probably watched it 7 times by now.

I have a sneaking suspicion that classes this time around won't involve toga parties, kegger's, bike rides from the East to West Bank, and orgies in the pit of Rarig.
Thanks, Enron. Dicks.

This seems all too familiar

Well kitlins. I’m 0 for 2 in terms of auditioning and not getting cast. 1st one was for "PMS: Your Cat gives Head" and the 2nd for "Amadouchebag". I’m not frassin’..part of the biz…but I got the "Thanks but No Thanks" for both shows within an hour from each other- which is a mixed blessing I suppose. No waiting for the call, get it out of the way and all that. But not so good b/c I got the news about one show right before my callback started which I think put me in a bad frame of mind before I went in. (Thinking that I didn’t get it before I even was called in. Pessimistic and defeatist, yes.’s a safety mechanism in order for me to not get my hopes up. Secretly, I harbor a desire to come across as cool and unaffected, rather than guarded and pessimistic. I’m failing at that, aren’t I?)

Familiar, too, b/c this seems to be the same thing that happened lass year around this time when I went out for a couple o’ shows and received a resounding negative. I almost entertained the notion that I’m only good on stage when I’m beating people up and someone else says my lines off stage. (lol). Let’s get a remount up, Chowie. It’ll be GOLDEN!

Funny and weird accidents…

So a sign that I was to receive the "post-audition" let downs that I did may have came in the form of a car accident. A bad one, in fact. Right, in front, of the theatre. There we were, a dozen actors, quietly milling about a locked theatre (b/c get this: THEY were stuck in traffic due to a car accident) trying not to look like we were lookilu’s or like those kink freaks from the movie "Crash" who call each other when there’s a a car wreck and get off to it. The scenario was dumb after we heard what happened. Person on their cell phone while driving doesn’t see the other person whip a "U-ie" and whammo. Sad.

But this whole weekend has had these accidents. Friday, traffic from Woodbury to Mipples was Horrible due to a school bus that had ran off the road and up on the embankment. (No, no kids were hurt. But do you know the SIZE of the towtruck that has to get said schoolbus? Let’s just say that 3 outta 4 lanes were blocked on EB 94.) Besides the accident in front of the Mounds, people were driving like s#it (Mopes almost got hit on Hennepin due to a douche-y driver. Then again turning on my Johnson when the car behind her tried to turn left in between two pylon’s, nearly side swiping her.) I almost got hit by a douchebag that was TOTALLY not looking when I was coming home from Ma and Dad’s (Whipping out without looking over their shoulder to see me coming…) It was a mess.

So, drive safe my gentle warriors.

Where to start?

Good weekend all told. Some minor points of frass that I can get into in a different post, HOWEVER for starters:

Friday night was big-kid date night. Dorajar and I schmancied up and hit a schmancy restaurant for a nice dinner before hitting the MeeB theatre for a viewing of "Sid Pimple". A great show and a great throwback to all the old timey radio shows. The script was all right, but I enjoyed the hell out the overall show. BTW- you were wunnerful Redwright.

Sats a.m. was a callback for Ozmadouches. Ten. A. M. That’s early. Waaaaay early. I’m fairly certain I offended the hell outta people I don’t even know by throwing out a bullshit story on how I saw a production of "Amadeus" at a Montessori school, and that 3rd grade Hmong kid playing Salieri gave a POWERhouse performance. The Indian girl playing Mozart was okay…Nothing compelling…but an interesting take on the character. Intermission was early because Emperor Joseph had an excitable bladder and needed his pampies changed.

No. I didn’t get it. Moped did though (Congrats, darlin’) and she’ll be playing one of the Vermicelli. I have forewarned her that I will rename every character in the cast, whether it makes sense or not.

After drowning my sorrows in a lackluster bowl of vegan black bean chili, I headed out to BeeP’s to have a mow fest at the old place before heading back to Mi Casa for a little studying (napping). We stayed in (‘cause we po’) and watched "Garden State" while dining on Chinese Niblets. I decided that I was going to fall in love with Natalie Portman in this movie. Just this movie. Everything else I see her in is "meh". If you don’t believe me, watch the movie. Natalie’s character is just…that girl.

Sunday was a lazy bunk morning. We lounged and loafed over a.m. BM’s while I waited for my folks to poop over and help install a ceiling fan. ("How many member’s of the P-fam does it take to install a ceiling fan. Apparently all of them. And we still didn’t get that fucker in. Dammit.) We frassed over an unusually exciting Viking’s game. (Unusual because I don’t think they’ve had an exciting season since 1999-00) Dad yelled. Mom started work on my Spider-Man costume. That’s right. Made her feel good, too.

Rocky…pooped in my back yard and chased squirrels.

After swearing at the hole in my ceiling, the fam and Per-Per accepted an invite over to the slowly emptying WW ranch for niblets. It was such a trip to be able to have my family and my closest friends all in the same room, enjoying food, laughing, BS’ing. Honestly, in memory, I don’t think that I’ve had that happen in years. It was wonderful. I (me, that is) just shut up and tried to soak as much of it in as possible.

All while stuffing my face with ribeye, edamame/broccoli, and the grilled chicky boobs I had marinated. (BTW- This recipe is the bomb shite. If you don’t have Tumeric in your spice rack, get some.)

And that’s about that, Jack Sprat. I’ll frass some more later when and if I get some time, kimbo’s.

Peace out, playa’s…

Friday, September 15, 2006

Doi, and an update....

Wookiepedia, btw. No shit.

In other news, I have just finished lunch. I superheated my soup, so I'm hoping that any coli hanger's about will have gone the way of the lobster. And if that didn't kill'em, the tabasco and pepper will. Don't fuck with my reduced sodium chicken gumbo.

Jabba the Frickin' Hutt is the "article of the day" today on wiki. For my daily reader's, go over and check it before it changes. This has completely fused my wikipedia addiction to my inherent geekdom so that I am now a sad, slobbering amalgamation of useless knowledge, frass, and a secret desire to be a Jedi Knight.

Please. If you love me? Stage an intervention. You'll know me if you see me. The guy wearing a Spider-Man costume reading up on what happened on this day in 1835.

Charles Darwin reached the Galapagos Islands if you really wanted to know and are staying away from Wiki.


Popeye's getting f#cked over-

This sucks since fresh bagged spinach compliments, oh, 25% of my diet. (Chopped up with some tomatoes and I toss it in my lunch soup, add it to my omelette, make a nice caesar salad. Whatever.) And I have an absolute loathing of the canned stuff since I tried squeezing a can of it as a kid in the vain hope that it'd pop out like a geyser and fall neatly into my mouth like the cartoon character- which it didn't and only lent itself to one frustrated baby P. Then relenting and using the electric can opener and finding out that canned spinach tastes like ass on toast.

And smells bad.

The discovery and subsequent addition of spinach to the Baby P diet is a relatively new one- And yes, it harbors daily stares in the break room when I dump a ziploc baggie full of spinach, tomato, and garlic into whatever Progresso chose to surprise me with on any given day. (Lentil? Chicken Gumbo? Manhattan Clam Chowder?)

So yeah. SHOULD be fine if it's cooked thoroughly. Should. In the mean time what? Frozen? Bag it from the grocer's fresh veggies. Pre-Bagged Pre-warshed spinach is so damn convenient though.


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Funny stuff 'bout my neighboring hometown

Big bro RSvP went to HS here...the times are always a-changing. Funny. For the last 5 years or so I've had a hankering to thrown on my old letter jacket and check out a PCHS homecoming game (Which invariably is at the Oh-Es-Es-Eee-Oh stadium.) I remember 3-4 years of either attending, playing, or invariably losing (Not the best Junior and Senior year records in my alums Foo'ball history.) at that venue.

Still. 15 years ago, the track that led Brooklyn Blvd through granite mines and wasteland to the "new development" of Maple Swamp-which, at the time, was a 8 plex cinema, K Mart, and Cousineau' now the development of Arbor Lakes. Expanding, again, in spite of reports that it is one of the largest epicenter's of chain restaurants and retail venues...rivaling any of the smaller exclusive 'Dales. (* fact subject to interp. Please correct mich if I'm wrongess)

As recently as last year my folks had a spot in an old antique store on the "strip" in Ass-E-Hole. Which got bought out to expand the Yamaha dealer next to it.

Daddy-o told us stories of patrolling their when he first started and it was little more than what the article says= rows of cornfields and a main street. He'd watch as bouncers drag out rowdy townies from the bars to toss D and D patrons on the street, sometimes watching as they'd break said patrons various body parts in the process. Street justice, they called it.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Please stop...

My wiki addiction clearly need to be reigned in. It's taken over my life in the pursuit of information and knowledge that is reaching Faustian proportion's. (It doesn't help that an abstract random like myself is hypnotized by the idea of links leading me to more and more and more information.)

What cracked me UP however was how I know shit like this:

Back in ALP Biology in hiiiigh school, we were tasked with studying those bastards. Transferring the specimen from their petri dish using graduated pipettes to a slide and writing our reports on our findings.

It really was as exciting as all that. And random and strange that it was on wiki.

Anyway...Damn you wikipedia. Damn your knowledge which in spite of not probably being always 100% entirely accurate, you're still bloody fascinating.
Don't forget.


It is quite possible...

To eat too many eggs. IJS.

But c'MON! One stupid box of egg abuser's ='s 8 eggs, OR 240 calories. Not much, yeah? So that, coupled w/a handfull of chopped vegetables, and then a half-order of home fries...caps out at what, 350 calories. This is NOTHING, I tell you.

Ugh. I sat there with a full tum-tum, tired- AGAIN, praying for my first constitutional to get my motor revving.

Gonna have to cut that number of eggs in haaaalf, I'm thinking. That was a shit-ton of eggs.

Maybe revert to toast and jam.

My Dad's so cute. He brings over a big old bowl of creamy pasta salad to share for lunch. It contains Mayo. Chicken chunks. Elbow Mac. Peas. I didn't eat it as a kid, and it's isn't my first choice to eat as a big kid. He know this. He just likes to see if I'll make a face so he can yell at me and accuse me of either "not eating", being "Hollywood Thin", or anorexia. Truth was, I was chock-a-block full from those gut-busting eggs, AND I had made two delicious Chicky Boobs which were gonna be dinner fare later. This doesn't matter. My dad will eat a PBJ right before dinner. Did I mention he had some green jello for us to share too?

My salvation came in the offer "Did you want to see if your roommate wants some?"


I carefully piled their plates w/creamy pasta goodness, and frugally place a couple of forkfulls on mine.

Sneaky-pants, I am.

We watched a little Packer Slaughter while 'Bean and Dad frassed as only 'Beans and Dad's could-Their dialogue shouted between two rooms.

"So, Mr. P. Do you follow current events? Did you see that 6.0 Earthquake in the Gulf of Mexico?"

"Yeah, right about where they found that big cache of oil, right?"

"Exactly. So. you subscribe to plate tectonics?"

I can't write this shit. My dad shot me a "is this a real question?" as I shouted back "Is that like, a subscription to Playboy?"

Ohhhh, we laugheded.


Weekend just took the wind out of my sails, lemme tell ya. I'm getting old. Sue.

Frids was chill. I watched "Hero" for the 1st time, and I gotta say it was a beautiful crafted movie. Not so beautiful was the fact that I have the original criterion DVD from China (purchased from my friend YND last year b4 he spit the bit to LA) and that fucker is only in Chinese. Like- instructions, chapter lists, everything...written in Chinese. Took me nigh on 30 minutes to figure out where to find the English subtitles. Fug.

Sats I got to help Moma move into her new pad while her dad gave us moving instructions that improved our productivity 23%. It's a cute place, fo sho. Nice little upper level duplex, sun room, office, etc...Girl doesn't have much in the way of stuff, per se which compliments her gypsy/hippy personality. She smart, that girl, as is evidenced by the number of books she owns and loves. Hardcover books. Heavy boxes. Stairs. Sore Baby P.

Upon completion I was too tired to even move. I tried plowing through the script for "Amadeus" and got as far as Salieri's initial attempt at seducing Constanze when BONK gone. Sleepy buddy.

Dorajar trundled over, wiped out, and after some din-din and a bath we got our energy levels up to about 68-73%. Good enough to jump to lightspeed. Which we did.

We hit the Elsinheimer's for CeeB's b'day celebrations and I gotta tell ya...There weren't nobody singin' nuthin'. Seriously, I remember last year there was a wait of waits to even get a slip in. Instead, the MC's hunted me down to help them sing "California Dreamin'". (Ummmm,okay?) Duddy and Red showed later, as did D'Gang and we frassed and BS'ed before hitting a wall...And so there we were. Back to Zombie status.

Did you know when you're at some bars and you order a diet coke and everyone else is drinking, they don't charge you? "Do you know how I know you're gay, Baby P?"

Sunday mi Padre' came over to assist with Haus Frass. We finally (finally) installed the light fixture over the sink (Which, for some odd reason or another...looks kinda like a boob.) So that lil' PJ is off the list, leaving the following to round out the summer/early fall:

-Ceiling Fans (3) In my room, the 'Beans room, and the porch
-Fini' the Pergo on the Porch-o
-re-sand and stain the stairwell
-get the rest of that mulchy mulch down

Yeah. Nada problem.

Busy week this week. Projects, Auditions, Searching for meaningless part time employment, studying, karatying, and frassin'.

Monday Night Foo-Ball is heute nacht. I'm thinking of pooping over to Kaiser's new pad to see a little MNF action. Skol, Douchebags!

Friday, September 08, 2006

I don't know anybody

So Linzie asked Dorajar and I to Broder's for din din the other night before he heads out to Seattle for a 10 day spinning gig (btw? The food? Not bad and pretty inexpensive) I've determined that I know no one. That's right. I'm not as famous as I've made myself out to be in my own mind. Here's how it went down.

Our fetching and expeditious server Joe and Dorajar recognized each other from when they auditioned together for "Ghosts" (Priceless dialogue= Joe "Hey, whatever happened with that?"/ Dorajar -A smidge uncomfortably: "Um...I got it?") and Linzie recognized a former student and his girlfriend (Typical banter from he= Me: "She's cute"/Him "Dude... she's a bitch.")

And so it goes. Like at the State Fair where I used to run into peeps I knew like a fiend- This year? Not a soul. Not even an uncomfortable "Ex" siting. (Ry-Gonn and Muck Muck ran into some trivia peeps they knew, and Dorajar was even recognized by a woman who was working at the Eco-Building)

I mean, there was a time when I couldn't go on a soul-searching expedition up the side of a Tibetan mountainside without running into SOME Sherpa I was buddies with. Nowadays, their oxen don't even recognize me.

Is this what happens to the homeboy homebody?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not frassin'. It's been years since I've been able to go out in public without the throngs throwing themselves at me...strange women offering me their first born or men asking to bottle my sweat.

I'm guessing the half a bulb of roasted garlic I ate might've had something to do with keeping people at bay. IJS

Oh...that's why.

Karate has been great lately, you know? Really good. Classes are aces, and I've been paying particular attention to the level of soreness afterwards. (Hammy, Groin, and Hip flexor frass can 86 classes for a few weeks. Because I like to LISTEN to when my body is hurting...cough cough.) So I trade in kicking as high as I can, or hitting the hardest and fastest during drills and substitute what I should be substituting- accurately performing technique and proper memorization of body placement. (Easy enough, you see, to do a nice sudo...but are your feet in the proper place? Shit, man, some black belts aren't folding deep when they do their folds. Gotta get that shit right. It's about respecting the art, yo'.)

Up until yesterday, everythings been aces and applesauce. Coz we did "combinations".

In my zealous haste, I requested the instructor run us through curriculum ad nauseum for the next graduation. I explained that I understand that we'd be doing drills, but since their were a couple of underbelts learning the jist, it'd behoove us all to do white through black curriculum in know? Repetition never hurts.

Kata, fine. Self-Defenses, fine. Bo form? Meh, but getting better. One steps, could stand for some review, but getting better (And I can only do my own belt level so much before I get mega bored.)

But those frassin' combo's.

My hammies and the backs of my knee's are screamin' today. Like, Kung Fu Hamlet hurtin'.


By the way?

I suck at pool.

Suckiest sucker in sucksville.

For serious, you don't have to be named after a state or called "Fast" anything. I'll lose. Here's my $20.

It was nice to see Brizian again before he spits the bit to the West Coast, but...damn. I imagine the cheap 2 for 1's that were half filled with lighter fluid didn't help my game much.

Darts? Okay. Playing pool in Taylor's Falls? Brilliant.

Fuck a bunch of pool, man.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I recently decided on a whim to re-connect with a friend I haven’t seen in over 3 years. We were best buddies all through high school and beginning college until we just sort of…fell out of contact. At this point, the reason for why we hadn’t spoken seemed ridiculous at best, so I figured "what the hell" and called him up. We got together, caught ourselves up (Never once looking back at past frass) and shared a mutual hug before departing.

Now the guy won’t stop calling. (LOL!) But I have a buddy again.

One of the bennies to having this guy back in my life is his job- FT Jazz musician.

I was sitting around the patio last night with he, and another absent friend who drove 2.5 hours all the way from ‘Sconnie for a little reunion of sorts. (He also hadn’t seen the man in a few years). Linzie had to split early to make it to a gig at the Kitty Cat club. "You should c’mon down. No cover. Playing a shitload of Mingus…some free stuff. It’s cool man. Lots of parking." And even though it was kind of late on a school night, we went. And we sat there, letting the music wash over us. Nothing too loud, or ecclectic. Just smooth s#it…and two buddies sitting on an overstuffed couch at a hipster club, listening to our friend play. Waves. Music in waves.

And it was all right.

Our State Fair!

Is a great State Fair!

This is going to be long-ish...but please understand- It's a big..fucking...fair.

And f#ckin’ crooooowwwded. Oof.

Dorajar and I made plans to meet Ry-Gonn, his WeeF, and Muck-Muck at the Fair on Labor Day. Now, I need to disclaimer a few things before I tell you about the day, and please note…I cannot be brief:

Muck Muck, loves, the fair. And when I say "loves"? I mean like…if the Fair were "Fatal Attraction" he’d totally be Glenn Close. Well, that’s a little severe. Let’s just say wedding bells might be in their future. IJS. This year, the man went to the Fair- 8 times. (In his defense, he justified it by saying it was "mostly for the concerts". Right. This motherf#cker could eat. A lot.) THEY decided on having a "Fair Day"- Start as close to 7am as possible, and stay until 9-10pm (Right? Riiiight?), while Dora and I took a more prudent approach and did our humblest to sleep off our cheap beer induced hangovers from the night before, and wait for a blissful veggie chili induced constitutional. Overshare.

Now, we had planned on engaging in this Callboardian induced scavenger hunt where you take pictures of certain Fair Anachronisms for point and a "no-prize" award. (Ex: Picture of a Mullet, Butt crack, black socks and white shoes, kids on a leash, a hairy back, etc.) We would have RAKED’em in had we the foresight to remember a camera (and ki-boshing the notion of buying a disposable one as an unnecessary expense) from the moment we parked…we were greeted by a Dick-Enlarging Hummer, and one of the exiting parties had a full-blown case of muffin-top. (Before donning her Abercrombie and Fitch hoodie)

Before meeting up with the dynamic trio, we had a chance to do a bit of traipsing ourselves and after our breakfast of Pronto-Pup we hit some of the new stuff like:

-The Eco-Building (Props to the dumb-ass who told his kids they were going into the "Echo-Building". I wept inside.

-Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom interactive exhibit. (Where we got a free a goofy photo with an animatronic Bald Eagle. When I can get my fingies on a scanner, I’ll upload it. We’re nincompoops.)

-The most fascinating thing on the planet: The Butterfly House. This was a recommendation from Necomn the night before and Dora thought it sounded like a hot ticket. I wasn’t too jazzed about the whole schmear, thinking it would be tailored to the wee porkchops. Wrong, Baby P. It was a trip. A little disconcerting even. (Ever been divebombed by a monarch? Have you?) There was the little girl who was COVERED head to toe in butterflies (20 of’em at least. One on her mouth. She was walking sooooo carefully.) The wall full of resin-covered bugs (Not just moths or butterflies, oh no. They had scorpions, painted beetles, horned beetles, and these other multi-legged YUGE beasties that put the creepie crawlies from "The Mummy" or "Temple of Doom" to a pitiful shame. I kept up on it after we left "There is shit like THAT in the world. A bug that, by it’s mere appearance, would make me shit my pants" I avoided walking behind the b’fly covered chitlins and providing commentary- (whispering "Did you know that that particular breed of butterfly has the most toxic venom on the planet? You’re fine if you don’t make any sudden mov…oh…her fangs are out. Be cool, Fonzie") And it finally ended with the butterfly "Frisk Down" to make sure we didn’t have any random sucka’s hanging on. ("Muh wah ha ha…they didn’t check my PURSE!")

We finally hooked up with the muckster, after a prolonged game of cell tag, by then we were working on sharing our first brew. We did all the things we wanted to over the course of 6 hours (My Lord, were my dogs barking. My glutes and my arches were on fire by the time we loped back toward my car.) The mighty Midway had the return of the Sideshow which we passed on. (And is my only real regret that I missed this year.) The sword swallower (giggle) was pitching the show to all passers by and I over heard a lil’ kid say "How does he dooooo that?" to which I responded "Well, they fed him a scabbard when he was very young, and it lodged in his esophagus but still magically allows him to breath…" I figured I lost him after "scabbard".

We had our own scavenger hunt of sorts, where we basically just quietly pointed and rolled our eyes at some folk. Woman with a "Fem" Mullet, Number of ladies carrying a "Papoose", poor kid with a Helmet/Earmuffs/on a leash, Dudes who were "douchebags" (Namely the guy in Heritage Square wearing the muscle shirt that had two arrows on the bottom pointing to his sides and exclaimed "I don’t need to register THESE GUNS". Riiiight. Second place goes to the douchebag in the black ribbed a-shirt/khaki shorts/and wild messy hair who felt the need to strut every time he heard the Bee Gee’s/Soul Music…wait…oh…sorry. Two thumbs point back at this noble but fashion challenged blogger.)

Important tally: The food we shared-

Deep Fried Turkey Sammich. (The bomb. Don’t knock, y’all)
Freeeeench Fries
A bite of Ry-Gonns Steak Sammy
A nibble of spicy cajun turkey bites
2 beers
Sips of a banana milkshake
Numerous Waters/Diet Cokes

I avoid cheese curds these days like the plague. One, maybe two can be put down. Any more, I’m gonna vom.

I didn’t wind making any purchases. Outside of the Kung Fu gi’s, I didn’t find a replacement for my cowboy hat that I misplaced after the 4th of July.

We drove home…barely conscious. And passed out for a 2 hour grease interuppted nap. My plumbing’ll be clogged for days. Hell, I felt it today at karate.

But I love it so.

364 days until the next time.

Too Much Food ='s A pardee...

So after a day of lawn and outdoor frass this holiday weekend, I acquiesed to peppa’s request to have her visiting buddy and buddies BF over for dinner. While I was putting the vittles together, she asked if she could give a jingle to X and see if he’d be game to stop over…then if I’d wanna call Linzie and see if HE’d be game to come over, and to double check with Melinite and Adam to see if THEY were still coming over.

Now, I normally don’t blanche at the chance to have a soiree’, I just like to have a day’s advance notice before it gets too crazy, and my roommate isn’t fond of big groups. Let’s face it…I’m a planner. It’s what I do. As I was cooking up the vittles for the night, (I whipped a big bag of Bowtie Pasta I’d been given by my mom into a summer pasta vegetable dish, made some Veggie chili, Some leftover Salmon, a bag of marinated chicky boobs) I looked at the full crock, and full oven, and full pasta bowl, and realized that in my zealous haste to put together a full and diverse spread I put out way-too-much-food.

Way too much.

"Well honey, why don’t I just call Brandino and Carson…and Redwright, Oh-I’ll see if Tallen and Huge aren’t busy? Did you wanna call MD?" You get the jist? Since I made so much food, I should invite accordingly.

And we did. And on a perfectly dreadful rainy night, I had a small group of some really wonderful folks poop on over to warm my dreary little shack, eat nibbles, drink cheeeeeapo beer, and listen to me dominate conversations like the rude little random primate I am.

Leftover veggie chili keeps very well, did you know that?

Whimsey's on Warm Shingles, Felines, and T-Willy.

Thanks to the the loverly ‘Grooder, Moped and I got us some comps and were finally able to catch the "Cat" remount over at the Theatre Garage. We nib nibbed some cheap sushi and veeno down at Chino (Where we both ogled the very fetching and curvaceous bartender) before heading down in time for curtain. It was okay. Better than that, I’d wager. Definitely worth a look. And what we both agreed on, was that it was hyped up so much that we both had extremely high expectations going in. The performances were powerful, I just think that there were a few (And they were, in a word, very few) pacing beats that took me out of the moment.

Still, if you missed it, too bad. That was some pretty good stuff from my Super Secret Girlfriend.

Not my favorite at the new Sheeshy Theatre

So I saw a new show at a small venue at a new theatre that’s been getting a lot of hoy palloy lately. My roommie hooked me up with tix, and I figured it’d be a hot ticket for a Wednesday night.

It weren’t.

In a word, I was bored. I didn’t get it. And while I think community outreach and casting non-professionals is important to them in building better relationships, it wound up being a little distracting.

Intermission, I split. I begged forgiveness from the roommate who said if he didn’t work there, he’d be on my heels. Fortunately I had a buddy who was in the neighborhood that called me to see what I was doing so I didn’t need to walk home in dress shoes.

We ended up going back to my house and watching "Predator". The next day I had shin splints from hell just b/c I walked a half a mile in those uncomfortable bastards. I think that’s God getting me for walking out of the show.

Busy again...

Well sue me. I've been busy. Actually that’s not entirely true. I’ve been leading a far more boring assed life lately due to budget constraints. (Saving up, Paying Bills, etc.) So my going out and observation time is eaten up with things I don’t think would be really too insteresting to the masses? (ex: Today, I went to mom and dad’s old place and mowed their lawn. I enjoyed a delightful curry veggie on Friday night. I placed over 300 ft of weed barrier around the fence line. Over lunch, I had a invigorating class at the dojo where our instructor regaled us with yet another rollicking pyromaniacal tale of gun safety. He’s a gun nut, you see. Ironic, to be sure, for an instructor of an empty handed form of combat to be so in love with firearms. Digress) So yeah. I’m a boring bunk when I’m in saving mode and trying desperately to get outdoor projects completed before the big freeze.


How can I not frass about the State Fair? The State, mother f#ckin’ FAIR!!! Or walking out of a show that I felt was so bad, I’m was ultimately grateful that I didn’t pay for tix? Or seeing "Cat"? Or re-connecting with an old friend.

Well, I can’t let that go.

So buckle your belts, botches. I'm gonna be posty.