Monday, July 24, 2006


Sore. So sore. The mechanics of raising my legs to bring me up a flight of stairs is proving difficult. There is so much lactic acid burning in my quads, and my hammy's feel like stretched piano wire. This just isn't cool.

Friday night was a blast. Pepp's came over to finish Hari Kari Potter over some home made Thai. (Purposefully making additional servings so as to have left overs. Yeah, that happened)Then it was spitting the bit to Erte's lounge for cocktails and elbow rubbing with the brotherhood of evil actors. (I keed, I keed. Note to self: Self? When you've created an African interpretive dance to someone's nickname, they might not get it if you perform it in front of them. Cool?) The following Guthrie gala was pretty cool too, and MAN do they put out a spread- Had I not been so self-concious regarding our dinner earlier, I would have eaten my weight in sushi. (And it was nice that Matt and Carolton were there, since we had pretty much snuck in. OOOOO, Mr. Ari was there and get's mad props for his dirty joke telling abilities. Killed me.) So yeah. The space is cool. Very art deco. Mopes and I went around looking at the pics from productions past, enjoyed our free beverage, and called it a night. (Thanks, 'Bean, for letting me use your parking badge.)

Rehearsal for the Fringe nearly made me burst a vessel from laughter. I bid a fond farewell to Gabe-pril who's heading off to CA for film school. In a last minute moment of hatred, he managed to film my "audition". Which means I won't be surprised that if somewhere...down the road...there'll be a picture of me... singing in the Illusion theatre lobby...wearing only my underpants. Class Act, P. (Good luck Gabe. I hate you. I really, really, really do.)

After the briefest nap of naps, we took in "Bingo" where I was able to snag a polka with one of our seat mates. And oh do those sexy seniors know just what to say...Thanks for the free tix, Ry-gonn. You were, as always, HI-larious...but your wife is funnier. ; P

Which brings us to the soreness.

All. Day. Lawn frass. I dug holes, planted tree's, ripped up sod, made two-count'em 2 Depot visits, laid ground tarp, wood chips, lifted bricks, set bricks, brick a brack, frick and frack...

Yeah. I was a dirty, sweaty mess. It took a goodly amount of time to get the dirt out from under my fingie-nails. But it's done. Although I do have to dig up and re-plant my lilac (Neglected to read the instuctions "Plant in the sun". So I gotta move the shady lilac to the shady spot and the sunny lilac to the, oh you get the drill)

Oof. I hope to have a pretty yard. Someday. 'til then, I frass.

1 comment:

Portana said...

Tech and I walked by "We Gotta Bingo" too. His thought was that we need to go see it. My thought was I bet P and Mopes are in there...dang. Wavelengths were off...
Commiserate with you on the yard frass. Did that yesterday myself. Shoulders hurt from pulling weeds.