Friday, July 21, 2006

Kiped from Portana...a "Blue" list! (Real answers at the bottom)

1-Had sex with someone ten years older or younger than you? Hell no. 35 to 40 years…yowza. Love me them sexy seniors. Grrrrrowlza!*

2-Drawn from a nude model? I’ve "With"drawn from a nude model, but only because they were holding a gun at me. Hey, I didn’t know that when the robe comes off it wasn’t an open invitation to HEY OHHHH!**

3-Had sex at a company Christmas party? If by sex you mean "Got tipsy and made an ass of myself" then yes. ***

4-Had a blind date? Yup. Deaf too. (And here, RSvP is where we insert the awful HK jokes) ****

5-Slept with a teacher? Hell no! I went straight for the Superintendent! Go big or go home, I say. *****

Bonus (as in optional): had sex with someone within an hour of meeting them? Yeah, but it’ll probably never happen again. Fast-Acting roofies are 3 x’s more costly than the regular ones.******

* Close call- I was stopped after sharing a pitcher of IPA with a friend when I was solicited in a bar. I think she was 21 or 22 years older than I was? I just remember standing up, getting ready to leave with her when my friend hooked his thumb in my back belt loop and said: "No dude. No."

**Ugh. I had an ex draw me nude. Never posed, but she was very proud of it nevertheless. I’ve contemplated painting a nude female silhouette picture for that antique Dykeman Frame. Don’t ask. The nude feminine form in art fascinates me in a big bad way. Chill, pervo’s

***Most of the companies I’ve worked with have never had X-mas parties. If you count the Theatre X-mas party…um, I got chummy with a gal. I mean, not at the party but …later. I need time to build up my old cheap moves, you know?

****I frassed about this one. It was really on a whim, and it was the roommate of a girl my big brother was dating circa 1994. Really cool girl, name of Mo. (Funny, right?) Had a great day. Great date. And never saw/spoke to her again. And I guess technically I went out with someone last January on a whim and it felt very "datish"…same deal though. My track record with blind dates isn’t so good. I’ll stick to the seeing eye dates from here on out, thanks.

*****Too weird. Although I told Moseph’s that her friend (And former HS english teacher) buddy Leynie would definitely have been crushworthy in high school.

******Seriously now. My all new old cheap moves take years of planning, and months to implement. It would take a woman at LEAST an hour to make the determination that I’m not completely psychotic. Just mostly to partly psychotic with a chance of afternoon showers.

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