Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Seemed like a good idea at the time...

I thought I'd have a pithy/intelligent review today about "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" but our plans were thwarted by the onset of (A) The fact that the show was sold out when we got there and (B) Chino's Happy Hour is indeed the bomb-shite. ($2 glasses of house white? Are you serious? $4 sushi? For serial?)

So I'll give you some week-old frass that I shoulda gone into last Wednesday: "I am My Own Wife" at the Jungle.

It was pretty amazing.

What works:
The story. It seems like such a weirdly simple premise: "Transvestite spends his life dressed as a woman, survives WW2 AND living inside East Berlin during the Cold War-avoiding persecution the entire time. "

But the way it gets played out is both fascinating and compelling. Couple this with B.G. playing multiple characters. I entered the show not a big fan of "one-person shows" (Not the best for the ADD addled. Hard to follow) but this guy is a RI-diculously talented performer. His embodiment of Charlotte, the interviewer, and so many of the characters was exquisite.

The bad?

Not much to say. While the story is fascinating, I thought the way the narrative was strung together was a little (just a little) weak. Sometimes even disjointed. That, outside of one of his characters being quite a bit weaker than the rest, this show is a much see. Check it out if you can.

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