Thursday, July 27, 2006

Losing track of time...

I had the best of intentions last night. So much to do, so much to do...

Mopes popped over for dinner b4 leaving for rehearsal at 7pm. After she split I figured I'd take a quick powerhouse nap before getting along with my business.

Big mistake. Let's see, she left at, ohhhhh 6:45-ish? I picked up my book and started to read when...that's all I remember.

I rolled over to look at the clock and it said "9:48pm" and it was pitch black in my room. Odd, I thought. I must have fidgeted with the buttons when I was sleeping. It's probably more like, ohhhh, 2:30 a.m. (See, my brain was processing the time like it was laaaaate, late late.) So I get up, use the biffy, and promptly plop back into bed.

To which I woke up again at approximately 3:00 a.m. What...the...f...?

And I was up. The rest of the night into morning. No amount of visualization/deep breathing/meditation was going to put me out. So I finished my book. Got up earlier so I could get my lunch ready. Showered. (The one thing I regret not doing before bed. I felt itchy when I woke up) And basically felt like a nincompoop for the weird insomnia...

I'm chalking it up to being sick. Or stressed. Or both. Boo.

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