Monday, July 17, 2006

I'd like to say...

For the record.

That I think X3 was pretty good. I'll even go so far as to say that I'd even see it again in theatre's...'Kay, maybe not. Maybe a matinee. Definitely gonna buy it on DVD.

And that, pampers, is the start to my weekend.

Frids: 'Peppa was sweet enough to treat me to din-din at Erte' (God that place is so yum-yum.) before she needed to spit the bit over to her Scrimshow. In the interim, I thought..."Well shit, P. You should go see a movie." So after a quick naplet, it was off like a prom dress to the BC Regal Theatre for some solo movie watching. That's right. My first foray into seeing movies by my lonesome. I know, I know. "A lot of people do it P. You are far from one of God's Most Special Creatures for seeing a movie by yourself" Shup. It was very liberating, thank you.

Sats was quite the busy day, with rehearsal/shopping (Post Pay-Day grocery trips are fun and exciting. Christ, between this and seeing a movie by myself for the first time, you'd think I'm a changed man! No, folks. I'm just ridiculously easy to please.) then a barbecue at Chutney and Pad's, then home for some chill.

Saturday night I smacked Mo in her sleep because I dreamt a pincher beetle was attacking me in the bathroom and was too nimble for me to sqoosh. The look on her face was priceless. Sorry hon.

Sunday? Well, if we're continuing the tradition of being "easy to please" as the topic du jour- I'd like someone to tell me what's cooler than lazily loafing in bed on a Sunday a.m. when there is a light booming thunderstorm in the distance. Anyone?

Right. S'what I thought.

Sunday...We got haircuts together. That, folks...has got to be the silliest date ever. ("Did you take that hair gel from another station?"/"Yes?"/"Well what if THEY came over and just TOOK one of your neck wraps?"/"We share"/"Oh.")

It was a day of manual labor frass while I frantically got my pit of a house ready for some p.m. company. MD, M2, Peppa, Bean and I grilled (She whipped up some bad-ass poultry burgers that I dropped the hell out of. And yes, love. 'Bean and I agreed that more jalapeno' would have been cool), frassed (How many times can I annoy my date by stroking her face?), and contemplated whether or not MD and I should throw on our sparring gear and whoop it up in my backyard. (Probably smart that we didn't. My backyard looks like a demilitarized zone.)

And today...having had dinner with a pair of genetically gifted fitness models, I awoke at 5am and did a shit-ton of crunches. 'Cause that's how I roll.

It was hotter'n a bitch out this weekend. Swea-T-Bells hot.

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