Monday, July 10, 2006

Boring ol' MeMe

1. Last thing that you burned while attempting to cook?
Toast, or prolly something on the grill
2. Describe yourself in 3 "S" words:
Sinful, Sassafrass, Snarky
3. How long does it take you to get ready for your day?
4. Favorite place to blow $50.00.
Sadly, the Grocery and Liquor stores. It usually means I'm getting ready to have a party.
5. How many people have you thought were " the one"?
6. What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex?
Arrogance...big turn off. Being judgemental is nasty too.
7.What kind of car do you drive?
A Saturn POS
8.Whats in your cd-player /Ipod right now?
The “Blackbeard, for Instance Awesome Mix”
9. What celebrity would you like to have coffee with?
If, by "coffee" you mean "sex", I'm gonna go with the ol' stand by Jennifer Connelly.
10. What celebrity wouldn't you have coffee with?
All of them. Like I’m gonna meet a celebrity.
11. What kind of toothpaste do you use?
What the fuck kind of question is this?
12. What time do you go to bed?
Too late.
13. Last movie you saw?
"Harry Potter 2: Electric Boogaloo” last night.
14. Last TV show you watched?
I don’t
15. Who is your best friend?
I have best “friends”. I’m a pluralist
16. Who in your family do you best get along with?
I don’t like this sentence structure.
17. Who do you have a crush on?
I'm crushing your head
18. What time is it right now?
Do I look like a clock to you? Clocksucker.
19. Are you planning a vacation / travel ?
Always. Jabas and I frassed about a Disneyworld trip just this last weekend.
20. When where was the last time you traveled?
Rapid City So-Dak! Pictures available on request.
21. How many times have you been in love?
22. How old will you be in 10 yrs?
10 years older
23. Where do you see yourself in 10yrs?
10 years older…and hopefully debt free.
24. Sinful snacking weakness?
Everything. I’m a compulsive snacker. (See Mikeyp, circa July 4th at Redwrights house. No pinwheel went unscathed. I was a snacky frass. Oh, seasoned french fries'll get me too!)
25. Roller coaster?
Is the word “roller coaster” meant to be an interrogative?
26. Ever run out of gas?
Once. The very first outing in my very first car.
27. Ever been on a train?
28. Ever been on a blind Date?
Nope. I’ve seen every one.
29. Ever been to Europe?
30. What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day?
Um…Take a long bath?
31. Would you tell anyone it was you?
If I farted? Probably
32. Ever been arrested?
33. Have had a crush on anyone you work with?
I'm in theatre, people. Doesn’t this shit happen to us regularly?
34. What is something you believe in?
Unconditional Love. It's the greatest.
35. What is something you fear?
Fay-Le-Yur. Losing my house.
36. Big or small?
37. What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced?
I had a pretty bad headache on Saturday night. Emotionally? You know… I had a bummer Dec/Jan.
38. What is your favorite television show?
Is the “A-Team” still on?
39. Tell us something about your childhood?
40. What would it cost you to flash the person next to you?
Is it Thursday already?
41. Best time to catch you in a good mood?
Post Coitus...and that would be my out loud voice.
42. If you could be anything for one day what would it be?
A superhero 4
3. Most prized possession?
My house
44. Would you ever sell it?
I plan on it, yeah.
45. What are your pet peeves?
People who take shit too seriously. Seriously. Lighten up. And laundry.
46. Favorite kind of Ice Cream?
I’m addicted to Javalanche.
47. Coolest thing that happened to you today...
I woke up.

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