Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I need to find...

A tasteful banana hammock.



P said...

Shhhh, baby, shhhhh....just let it happen.

tallen said...

a banana hammok you say? i think you already said it best, mikey...

P said...

Yes indeedy for the fringe.

And no no nudity. Just, um, a funny gimmick. In context it'll make so much more sense as a "bit". Just no thongs. Ish-ka-bibble.

And now to contemplate the grooming debacle.

seouiopj? Soulful Pajama's!

P said...

So I take it none of you are coming to the 10pm Saturday show?

Daz coo'...

(Pout face)

tallen said...

i'm still figurin' out my venue schedule... once that's in place i add in shows to any free time available.
i make no promises... but, i also am not sending regrets yet.

"tasteful" banana hammock, btw... not possible