Monday, July 17, 2006

Mmmmm Listy

1. Worst damage you ever took in a fight? Bruised rib. Wind knocked out. Broken/Bloodied nose. Choked til tap out. Nougies kicked. (Here's an image. Baby Boy sitting on his couch with frozen peas over his tender bits.)
2. Most money you ever owed a utility company? Well...when the old roomie left I was in the hock until I could get caught up. Let's just say I'm happy I'm on the energy saver plan.
3. Last time you got kicked out of a bar? The 90's wouldn't let me in back in January stating I was visibly intoxicated. Problematic, to be sure. However (1) The whole point of my going in the frassin' bar was for a cheap drunk and (2) This is the 90's, right? I mean, don't they want drunk boys to float around?
4. Longest time you slept in a car? I passed out in my car when I was in college. I don't know how long, but I was covered in frost.
5. Most f*d up nickname you've ever been given? Massa. Ish. "Doc". (Why? Oh, right. My initials. Original) "Grower". "Pasty".
6. Worst job you ever had? Shilling tuxes rates up there. I've had some bad gigs too.
7. Shortest job you've ever had? Contract day gigs. I was in a live industrial where I was onstage for (literally) 3 minutes, and I still got paid the same $ as the other actors who had to be there for 3 hours. Boo. Yah.
8. Longest romantic relationship? 3.5 years
10. Food that you would eat till you puked? Sushi. Seafood. Seasoned French Fries.
11. Food that even looking at makes you puke? Monster Thickburger or the Ginormous Meatwich.
12. What music saved your life? MPR. Just, MPR.
13. Person you miss the most in the world? Kinda wish J-bird was in town.
14. Worst movie you've ever seen? Yeah. Um, since I was with her and the crew when they saw it, I'm gonna say "Ultra Violet" too. Shit-Tastic.
15. Best movie you've ever seen? "Waiting for Guffman" or "Princess Bride". Classics.
16. Craziest stuff you've ever done sober? A lot. A lot a lot. I'm bonkers, honkers.
17. Ever almost die? Repeatedly. 1977, 1989, 1999, 2000.
18. Ever fistfight a member of the opposite sex? Yup.
19. Best place you have ever lived? Nordeast Mipples.
20. Worst place you have ever lived? Medora, NoDak.
21. Bad habit you have. I swear an awful lot.
22. Noise that makes you want to punch people? Kids screaming. Adults Frassin'. So many. Blessed is silence.
23. Your favorite tattoo? Herve' Villachez
24. Least favorite tattoo? Anyone who has a swastika
25. At your poorest, were you a ramen noodle or Mac and cheese aficionado? Ramen. Even though I'm still pretty debt addled, I'd rather pony up and get some Creamette Pasta with meatless pasghetti sauce.
26. Most money you have ever spent on a single meal? I imagine the 5-course dinner I had last fall in Boston (And the..ahem...refillable glass of chard that showed up every time I blinked) was prolly pretty pricey. But oh so good.
27. Best gift you ever got? Oh...many.
28. Best pet you ever had? I love my Georgie Kitty. (The ferrets were technically RSvP's, but we liked them anyway)
29. Ever run from the cops? Yup. Apparently we weren't supposed to be partying on the jungle gym at 1am while drinking. Funny enough, they were there to find out if it was my car that was sitting on the side street with the door wide open. (It was)
30. Money or love? Love-Money

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