Friday, July 21, 2006

He just gets weirder with age.

So I've, uh...taken to a new habit at work. "Breaking up with people to get my way".

Girls. It doesn't matter. It's actually kind of cathartic.

Example Pample:

Baby P: "Hey! Someone brought in Trail Mix! Sweet!"
Co-worker Ali: "Ick. I don't like trail mix..."
P: (Throwing arms up incredulously) "Whaaaaat? How can you NOT like trail mix?"
Ali: "It has raisin's in it, and I don't like raisins"
P: (Fighting the urge to fit a "Better off Dead" quote in the conversation.) "No? What about grapes?"
Ali: "Nope. Sorry. Don't like those much either"

P: "Well. I. Just. That's it, Ali. We're done. I'm breaking up with you..." (P storms off. Ali laughs...rather confused)

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