Thursday, July 06, 2006

I'd to take a second to point out a few things:

1) At the campsite across from us, there was a family of 6. Our introduction to the youngest came when we saw her barreling her toddler self down the road, wearing a lil’ white sundress, and a hot pink native American headdress over her bright blonde curls. All the while she was shrilly screaming like a bat out of hell, trying to run away from her two older siblings who were chasing her. (It sounded almost like a car alarm) While she was doing this, she was lifting up her dress to expose her diaper’s to the world at large. We gave the young thing dialogue, which was probably only funny to us ("NO. I will NOT be the sacrifice tonight. I was the Indian Sacrifice LAST night! EEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!") and I nicknamed the little pouty petunia "Pampies". And Pampies Pouted. The whole time we were there.

2) At the campsite behind us, a redneck couple set up one of them family-style two room tents that sleeps 10. That’s right. 2 people. Necks: Red. (Full on Kentucky waterfall on the man. Full-On stay up bangs on the lady.) They fought constantly. And set up the ginormous tent that was WAY more space than they needed. (Or maybe they did need the space?) The dumb thing even had Christmas rope lighting.

And they only stayed for one night. One.

3) A little button boy was running around the campground with his six-shooter cap gun shooting everyone and everything. I put up my hands in a "Don’t Shoot" gesture but the little fucker shot me anyway. Rather than play dead, I got up…and ambled after him with my arms out screaming "BRAINS!" like I was the living dead. Kid never came through our campsite again though.

4)Teenage boys and girls only work out at campgrounds to get tail. I’m convinced.

5) South Dakota wine still sucks.

6) Pampies bought an inflatable pool toy and the only time we saw here smile was when she was walking around holding the box it came in. A chase, again, ensued when her family vainly attempted to get it from her so that they could inflate it. More screaming. More pampie frass.

7) Every gift store in So Dak carries the exact same shit. Including Fry Bread. Go in one, you won’t have to go in any other gift store in So Dak.

8) Don't do pull-ups on the jungle gym under the watchful eyes of bikers. IJS

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