Friday, July 07, 2006

Bad Patriot's...

You wouldn't think I was based on the old Patriotic Rushmore visit....but....

4th of Joo-lie brought my second Happy Birthday America party at the casa del WW. Hanging with some of my favorite people, frassin' in the Big Blue Moat, soaking up the sun, cocktailing, and eating make this a "must attend" hot ticket. (And frick, the weather was fixin' to be go-jus!)

'Bean, Mopeppa, and I headed over and per normal were the first guests to arrive...and lord...did they have a spread. So. Much. Food.

The day was incredible. The sun was beautiful. The food was AWEsome (I et my weight in pinwheels.) The company was top-shelf frassable (Jabas, LSA, Geikelbergs, TLC and BD, The whole WW clan, Musgravables, and the Eitelrickson's just ta name a few.)

What never really occurred to me that, for the most part, I'd spent pretty much 5 days in a row in the sun. By 5pm...a combination of sun, full belly, wine, and frass meant P=tired pumpkin.

After engaging in the hug/kiss Minnesotan good byes that I'm so fond of (Especially where you circle the group a SECOND time for a SECOND round of hugs and kisses to the chorus of "I thought you were leaving 10 minutes ago?") We made the perilous...PERILOUS...3 block trek back to my place for a very much needed nap before hitting the fireworks display at St. Anthony Main. And nap we did. Hard.

Then I was nudged awake at 10:15pm. With fire-boomies softly cackling off in the distance. We missed, fireworks. (Technically we saw the grand finale as we hopped in the car and hustled through DT Mipples...but missed the meat of the shebang)

"We're bad Americans..."

I hope everyone had a happy 4th! This years? In spite of missing the boomie boom's? INfinitely better than last year.


1 comment:

Shinobi-wan said...

damn dude...happy forth!!! Well I must admit I didn't read any of your previous posts...they are long and I am tired...but it looks like y'all had a sweet time...congrats on the wee vacation...