Thursday, July 20, 2006

I'm a danger to myself...

So my sleep patterns are fooked. I don't know why. Whether it's clenching my jaw in my sleep 'til my mouth is sore the next day, having fooked up dreams about beetles, or giant snakes, smacking 'Peppa in the middle of the night, making snow angels with the quilt, sleeping through torrential hurricanes.


The topper has got to be the other evening. I get up for a 3 a.m. bladder evac, reach over for the glass of water I'd brought up before beddy-bye when (swoop. Mimes hand going through thin air.) nada. "Where'd my water go?"...methoughts. I turn on the lamp, and there...all over the broken glass.

What. The. Fuck?

So I begin the sleepy process of cleaning up the fenster shards all over the ground/rug, (Love that hardwood.) leaving the miniscule pieces for when there is more daylight.

'Bean comes upstairs last night before I hit the hay again and asks "Did you hear that loud loud crash last night? I could have swore someone was breaking in the house. I even got up and went all around with the lights on seeing if any windows were busted it was that loud!"

I smiled at him. Then held up and shook my plastic one litre water bottle in his direction.


1 comment:

P said...

Hey...I can't help it if I'm protecting you from imaginary intruders. They're


(The truth is, I need to stop watching martial arts movies before bed)

: (