Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Whee Doggies.

Long days can really bust your chops, you know? Tuesdays are now "officially" my long day (Working late) which I suppose means I can allow myself a "late" night on Mondays. (Yeah right. Grampa here will still manage to get to bed by 9pm he can manage." Whenever I put in a long day, either willingly or no, I just feel like I ran wind sprints. Ex. Austing.

Last night I was able to catch up with my friend, the gay burrito who came in town to check on his old house. Poor guy has relocated out to Bumblefrass No-Where WI and I’m always curious how a gay metropolitan city boy can handle living out in the sticks. ("Dude, you live in WI."/ "Yeah, but I’m on 40 acres!"/"Dude, you still live in WI.") We had a mini-celebre’ since he has now obtained gainful employment at the Big Gay Wagon Company. (Gracias for that term, Mistah Grimes) American Idol, was watched. His cute dogs were all licky. ("Dog, quit chewing on my shoe. Do you know how deadly the foot that goes in that shoe can BE? DO YOU!!!???!) His evil cat, Betty, succeeded in putting another hole in my "safety gloves". Still, he’s going to have to commute his ass from (basically) Turtle Lake to Bloomington. That’ll suck.

Afterwards, I met the WW superstars at Mancini’s along w/Tallen, Dorajar, and Future Roomie DeeT's. I’d never been to the char house before ("Pull up a char" said FW "A what?" said I/"Well, yer at the ‘Char House’…pull up a CHAR!" That, my friends, is funny s#it to me.) Karaoke was sung. And really cool semi-sober banter was engaged in. All told, not a bad way to spend a Tuesday. It was cool, b/c last night and Sunday were so chore-centric and dull that being around friends really made things nicer.

And this was all during one of the crappiest slipperiest snow storms we’ve had all winter.
Anyway, what have we learned today?

1-Mancini’s is a fun-a$$ed bar. Not too loud.+ Comfy seats + And Sexy Singing Seniors (My demographic*)
2-Showtunes sung at karaoke will always draw blank stares. And the background music will always be a half beat behind the soundtrack. Always. I should have stuck with "My Fair Lady"
3-During slippery snowstorms Shakopee=Egypt. And I will always get stuck behind two semi’s driving tandem in both lanes. Going so re-dicklously slow probably saved my life.
4-Redwright gets all my love and positive vibes. Every ounce I can muster.
5-Funny sound bite: "I’m not a tenor anymore". "None of us are tenor’s anymore". Am I the only guy who thinks that sounds strangely profound?
6-The "insert name brand" Power Protein Bar in Cookie Dough= Ass. Do not eat. Big thumbs down. Eating it was like a sick "Fear Factor" dare.**
7-Apparently I picked a good color scheme for the new roomies room. HAH. Take THAT interior designers! Webelos Yellow and Blue is a PERFECT match! Lil' Cub Scout humor there, y'all. Pay me no mind.
8-Yes. I did have that conversation the other day with the ski slope lady (re: "5-6 inches") Yes, she did hang up.

All the equal signs and plus signs you’d think I was trying to teach y’all math or something.

*Funny story about seniors. I was talking to a friend who mentioned the same female several times in the course of our conversations. It prompted me to ask :

"So, is she your special lady friend?"
"Dear God no, she’s 70 years old."
"Well hey, if that’s your thing, far be it for me to judge."
You had to be there.

**This is coming from someone who, as a kid, could eat an entire tube of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. The mere fact that I didn’t obtain Salmonella is miraculous. Although, I do like Salmon an awful lot. Hmmmmmmm


tallen said...

Is it wrong of me that I read this:
Lil' Cub Scout humor there

as this:

Lil' Chub Scout humor there

??? Is it ???

um... pubes...?

P said...

They sold "lil' Chubs" at the gas station where I purchased the offending cookie dough flavored power bar. I'dve been better off with the Chubbie.

With a chubbie.

Or both.

P said...

SHAT! That's RIGHT! I wore the magic HOODIE O' Love.

I'm going to wear that thing all week long. In defiance of the costume/formal wear stores strict lame-ass dress code, I'm wearing it on my last night there! Take THAT lame-ass 2nd part time JOBBIE!

tallen said...

ah yes... the cigarette hangover is much worse than the alcohol hangover... i, alas, did not have one as i only had the two smokey treats and have no desire to have any more... yet ;-)