Thursday, February 16, 2006

Chilly Willy... he goes from writing 69 posts a day to taking a freaking sabbatical. I gotta work PEOPLE!


That being said. It's cold as hell, but I've got a warming weekend with neighbors coming up (Which I'll git into detail later:)

1st- I'm blasting through projects left and right in order to get my house a little less shambly. Paintin's almost complete, and tonight I've relegated to hanging some more decor and trying to fix the bathroom door on it's hinges- if I can find the right ones. If you're wondering whhhhyyyy I don't have a bathroom door...let's just say that it must've seemed like a pretty good idea at the time.

And it wasn't mine. Snerk

2nd- I have poked around several TC thrift stores in the interest of finding a free standing coat rack that wouldn't obnoxiously clash with the woodwork (We home-boners frass about stuff like that. I just wanted a sturdy dark wood, or wrought iron.) I think that the only thing I came away with was the karate head gear, and the distinct feeling that I was covered in...something? (Dust/Schmootz/Pollen...gross) Plus, the one down the street from my house kinda smells like a diaper bag, so no major finds there. I usually have good like, i.e. the headgear, a cool vintage bomber jacket, and my "Richard Roundtree Shaft Jacket". Or as MD affectionately calls "my girl coat". Sweetheart, I'm go kick yo' ass for dissin' my threads! After all? "Who's the white private dick who's the sex machine with allllllll the chicks? P! He's one bad mother (Shut yo mouf!) I'm just talking 'bout P!?!"

Sorry. I waxed Issac for a moment.

Anyway, I had to stop in a TJ Maxx on the way back from the 'Bury today, (Looking for long undiepants) when I decided to pop in to the neighboring St. Pauli thrift store: "Valu Thrift Center"

Thrift Mecca, this place was. Wide aisles. Clean (as can be expected) shopping carts, and just...lots of nicer stuff. Had I the dough or the inclination, I'd have picked up...something? I was just in awe af all of the shite. A frickin' "Captain and Tenille" album? Top Shelf Ta-Ta's! A point of Frass: They actually had a Powerline wavemaster there...for sale...for, get this, $125 bucks? Fuck no.

And still no coat rack.

By the by? I heart TJ Maxx. Don't ask. I needed long undiepants, I walk away with black silk pajama bottoms for $5. They looked "gi-ish". And yes, we are in love, we just haven't set a date yet. TJ Maxx puts out, big time.

Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-duh-TJ Miiiiiiaaaax

So yeah- Seeing dorajar, c-Oral, and the Kaiser on Friday with a little "12th Nacht" goodness...(W/redwright backing me up as my supersecret date) Saturday will be a trifecta warming to welcome Portana to the world of M-N and introduce my mom and dad to the neighbors...and Texas Jellybean. (They've been psyched to make acquantinces with 'Bean since he moved was kinda weird. Maybe they think that we're dating or something?)

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