Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bite Sized Weekend...

Where our anti-hero muses on Shakespeare, Silence of the Lambs, Chess club, and Deadly…Deadly cold.

3 parter…almost 4. Scroll through the blog for a play by play.

Saw "Twelfth Night" on Friday at TRP. (My super secret date was bootoo tired, so I was relegated to "3rd leg status" with Portana and Tech.) It was a good show. I really dug the staging and lights. The cast did a terrific job and the papers were right: There were great performances all around but CJ was pretty fucking incredible.

The audience…was dead. The cold weather must’ve kept the energetic peeps at bay.
We stopped over at Preston’s afterwards for a pint and some kibbitzing. I was introduced to Dorajar’s ‘rentals and was informed later that I look "Grecian"…(I always thought of myself as "Greasy", but that’s because I eat a pint of bacon fat before going anywhere. It’s good for the hair) Kaiser painted a fetching portrait of Hannibal Lechter in his face gator (Hardcore dude. That was hard-fucking-core) Oh, why hardcore? Only b/c it was 35 below fecking WINDCHILLS! And, upon entering my car, exiting the ramp, and driving from point a to point b…I’m faaaaairly certain I my fingies were frost bitten. (At least, that’s what they looked like. Dark blue tips. No feeling. I had to run the f##kers under lukewarm water until they at least started to tingle.) Messed up.

I’m also pretty sure that I had mild hypothermia. Read your ‘Scout manuals to learn about the cure for that cold weather ailment. It’s the best.

Notable soundbite:
"Sooooo, where are you going after this?"
"We're going to play chess"
"Can a third join you?"
"Mmmmmm, chess is a two-player game"


P said...

Knight takes pawn, baby...Knight, Takes, Paaaaawn.

Portana said...

Does pawn=hot dogs? Just wondering...

Thank you for the MARVY weekend my dear. Blessings to you for hosting and making the mosting. Whee! Less than three weeks!

P said...

Oh baby, it was Tex and My pleasure. ps: Sorry to hear about your burst pipes. I want an indoor pool in the worst way, but I won't go that far! ; )


Is anyone else getting ridiculously long word confirmations? Fahk!