Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sunday, head boots...

We find our boychick and sidekick breaking fast with a girl who has a boys name, mowing through MOA, musing on Headshots, and bringing the funny.

In the a.m. we met the ‘Dino and Carlton for a pre-arranged BKFST at the Sunny Side Up cafĂ©’. ( I am enjoying the hell outta all this Sunday breakfasting) There was enjoyable banter held, laughing commentary at the voice of a "Moviefone" server (Yeah, he sounded just like him) and we learned that ‘Dino Hearts Pterodactyls. Rilly. Baby P...once again...had eggs.

Dora and I then skidaddled over to Bloomie, where we were to meet Portana and Tech for a day of roaming. (And to introduce Tech to the dreaded MOA). B4 they arrived, Mopes and I commented on the denizens of the mall and watched as not one, but two teens came out of the bathroom eating their Blizzards. (They image alone of someone on the terlet having DQ treat was just…too much ) Portana’s gorgeous figure was commented on as we silently stalked them "Ninja Style" through The Camp formerly known as Shoot-me. We watched children threatened with trade-in at Macy’s as punishment, we checked out comical underpants at HM, enjoyed comfy chairs, felt up a really great rack untillllll: exhaustion set in. (State Fair style tired)

I want to take a Mo’ to congratulate Tech on his new job. They’ll be moving to the great White Nort’ in March… And my wonderful circle of friends grows.

I got home with enough time to take a 20 minute power nap before sprinting over to the Junction. Good fights were had, and MD took full advantage of the fact that I had a face shield. Now, it should be noted that there was a kung fu stylist fighting out there (which is cool, and one of the reasons why the Junction is a fun place to mix it up) Well this dude started walloping me in the head. A lot. A lot A lot. The first one was a bell ringer that woke me up. And then I noticed…he wasn't getting the hint. So I got him in his greeeeat big belly. End Machismo frass. (MD got him too. Yee to the haw. Our conversation about him later was comical.) I’m actually kinda glad RsVP wasn’t there. He’d have murderized him.

After getting home and putting Tex to bed (Poor kid…he went and got a cold) My old friend Amyloo stopped over for some BS and beers.

For some weird reason, a Dan Fogelburg song popped into my head … I gotta stop doing that when the hour gets late and the conversation turns to olde tymes.*

* So, Texas Armadillo told me the other morning :

"If you ever decide to have a woman spend the night, let me know in advance and I'll shut my door and turn my fan on 'high'. If they leave that night, could you maybe open my door again?"

"I tell you what Tex. How about this? I'll creep into your room, poking you softly" ("I sleep through anything though") "Let me finish...I'll go in there and say quietly...: 'Tex? Teeeeeex??? I'VE GOT A BABE OVER AND IT'S BIG-KID FUCK TIIIIIMMMMEE!!!! IS THAT OKAAAAAAYYYY???!!!!!'"

This was followed by fits of giggles. Hey, I figured it beat the whole "tie on the doorknob" thing.

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