Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Gobbledy Gobble

Once 'gain I was up waaaaay too late to support having an early am day job.

I went straight from work to a video game gathering at the J and J music factory. (Yes, I'm nerdy) Over wine and cheese, J and J, M and M, & B and C... Okay, we need to change one of their names to keep with the alliteration theme...ANYway, I made a few discoveries:

I'm not a cheese guy, but I mowed the pepperjack. My payment for this debauchery was wickedly vivid dreams, and a sweaty night trying to process it. (The same happened with the dip) This is what I get for skipping supper and going straight into the wine.

I suck at Mario Party, and at this video Guitar game. Were I to tie my hands behind my back and press the controller with my face, I'd have played better.

Jabas has mad skillz on the guitar. Watching him rock out was hilarious.

I'm a lightweight, all over again.

J and J have a kick ass apartment.

So yeah. Nothing glowing to report. I'm still in mad-pain today after a work-out filled weekend. I don't know if it was wire fu combined with the Junction, my 4 miler, or the actual weight lifting I did...(I know. I haven't been dilligent on the weights in a few months) but I'm a sore little piggy. And going home and hiding under my big floofy comforter sounds top notch.

Except I'm going to go home and run, then hit the dojo, then go to Grandma's for the CB gathering...

Baby P: Slut Glut for Punishment

There should be more fun stuff to post after tomorrow. I'm taking a half day so I can have lunch with the Ro and Mo Roadshow, and frolic and laugh the afternoon away.

Before plunging into a dark sex Comedy like this. Please go see his show. Please spend $ on tickets. Support local theatre

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