Saturday, February 25, 2006

I like me some curvy wimmins....

Well, that was...hmmmm, wait, no...hmmmmmm.

I'll just put it out there for y'alls to digest.

So Wednesday I justified missing 'fu by the bacchanalian amount of pain I was in. I tried going for a run and giving myself a good stretch at home as a test. When the hammies screamed at me through 800 mg of Ibuprofen, I relented. And napped.

I attended the C-board gathering at G-ma's bar later that evening. I missed my roommie by mere minutes. It was fine...Meaning, it wasn't "hey wow, this is awesome" it was just...nice.

Thursday (I heart half-day's) started the day off with some slight drama-mama which is gonna prompt another necessary and immediate house-y project. (Honestly, just...fuckin' A) I scrambled over to TRP, picked up dorajar, and headed to downtown Mipples to meet RSVP for loonch. After a slight phone malfunction where I couldn't get in touch with him (I accidentally had an extra digit on his work # in my auto dialer. Shup...I know I need a new fecking phone, all right? The "0" is sticking now. The "0"!!!) we finally met outside our original choice of loonchin' and opted for the Italian eatery next door. (Hmmmm, burgers? Or the Thursday special: Spinach Lasagna? Not, a difficult choice)

We ended up getting served a piece of Spinach Lasagna that was roughly the same size and density of a retaining wall block...and even though we all had a sharefest, I found myself once again drunk on carbs. Yum-Me. Thanks to RSVP for being so kind as to pick up the tab...and for being dressed so fetchingly. In his pimp shoes.

(Sidebar: Sharing food at restaurants...yea or nay? In certain company/people...yea. Personally? I think it's awesome, especially if you're torn as to what to eat. For we three, It was a toss up between the chicky caesar and the lasagna. )

The lunch convo was great (which is where the title of today's story comes in.) and after RSVP had to skedaddle back to work, Dora and I hit 8th street for BM's and more BS. By the 2nd BM, we were wiped and in desperate need of 'ffeine so we headed on over to the Wilde Roast for some exquisite mocha-y goodness. (Oh my, Orley. There I was again, in a gaaaaay gaygaygaygay coffee house. "P, I'm meeting the Porkchops at Wyrd. Did you want to join us?" totally ran through my head) and then outside for some fresh air and to check out the local antique store...

Which was so-fucking-expensive. Re-Dick. They should change the name to "We don't sell anything for under $175 Antiques..." Okay. That was a slight exaggeration, but you get the jist...$65 for a frickin' hipster hat? And $75 for a hot print of a hot curvy Spanish mamma? Fuck to the no...At least we didn't break anything.

A nap was decided on b4 hitting "Closer" which proved to be our downfall...we ended up sleeping through curtain. And then there was guilt.

We figured we'd end our perfect day with some burrito bols and a flick- Dora wanted to get her car back so we hit TRP again and I parked in the "Shh Shh You'll get towed" Parking lot.

I figured..."Hey...5 minutes for a bol? They aren't that fast..."


I didn't get my ass towed or slapped with a boot, but they put that big ol' motherfuckin' sticker on my window. The hall monitor caught me. And I was pissed.

I'm gonna find her car and slap fucking scratch and sniff stickers all over that mo-fo. And crappy scratch and sniff's know? The ones you HATED getting 'cause they smelled like a$$? Like, caramel corn or..or...chocolate sprinkle. I hated getting those on my tests. Couldn'ta given me, like, Bubble gum or Peppermint?

Anyway, that's what she'll get. It was a very nice day off. And I got to bed on time. Yay.

1 comment:

tallen said...

sharing food? a big fat yeah! most restaurants end up serving you WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY too much food. One person should never eat that much food... and, well, if they put it infront of you (me)... well, you (I) have to eat it! So... yeah... share away! Had dinner a few nights ago w/ some fabulous people - we basically ordered what the restaurant thought was enough food for two people, four of us shared and were STUFFED!
a spanish geisha