Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thursday Salt Lick

You’d think that it’s too early for frassin’, but I got frass to spare this morning. Superfluous Frass. A frass surplus.

1st of all, I choked down my 1st green tea in forever. (Mint flavor or not, I think my subconscious "let’s" me forget to drink a glass a day. ) Upon digging through the cupboard which is my bottom work drawer (C’mon, I can’t be the only one to have this? The extra "borrowed" sugar packets, plastic utensils, paper plates, etc. I’m the only one? Crap. I am my parents) So, I normally have some honey in there so that I can attempt to mask the ass taste, except I don’t have any. All gone. And there isn’t any in the cafeteria. Or servery, or whatever high-falutin’ name it gets called.

2nd of all, they charged me $.11 for my hot water. I don’t think I’ve ever been charged, so I’m thinking this is a new policy. Fine. Except I didn’t have it so I had to bogart a dime and a penny from the "Have one Give One" cup. (Yeah, I returned it. Chill.) Also? Our Woodbury site does the same thing, except they only charge a dime. Hmmmmm, I didn’t know the exchange rate gets all fucked up when you cross the Mississippi. Next week they’ll ask for kronaurs or rupee’s or some shit just to make me crabbycakes.

3rd-The coffee of the day was Vanilla Nut. SCORE! Anytime they have a better tasting coffee than the ass-tastic house blend I think that life is a pretty sweet fruit. Normally, I wait for my co-worker to go down there with me- HOWEVER he brought his OWN coffee from home. (Which, he promptly spilled down the front of his shirt. KARMA motherf#cker…what I’m sayin’!) Anyway, it was gone. The Vanilla Nut. All within a span of 15-20 minutes of my first observation. Zounds, say I, as I find myself choking down Ass Blend.

4th- Someone commented on my footwear. Look. All right. Yes. So I’m wearing the shirt, tie, and dress pants…but I have got to be me, and the black old school tennies are stayin. Dig? (Plus, WAY more comfy than the Nunn Bush. Those shoes crack me up for the exact same reason all of you are all thinking too. Which probably means that I’m the only one who has the emotional maturity of an 11 year old. Great. FeeJ also used the term "Guac-Off" which sent me into hysterics. " 'Scuse me...I'll be in the shower guac-ing of*..." So that was much MUCH funnier to me.)

5th-Retroactive frass: Last night I wanted to whip up a Salmon fillet. I’ve had one in the freezer since a house and a half ago, so I figured it was high-time to cook the sumbitch. I let it thaw over night, took it out, went to grab a pan when WTF!?!? I no longer have any baking receptacles. None. Bush. So I had to toss the foil wrapped SOB in for an hour.

6th-I now get to attend a meeting where the other coaches in my dept. review a call that "I" scored. Great. Jury of my peers, coming up.



tallen said...

Vanilla... yum :-)
the $.11 is for the cup, I'm sure... sad, but true.
yup, still smiling about the vanilla... who wants a vanilla martini?! I can make 'em!
(thanks for that again btw)

ummm... muffin top?! i'm just sayin'!

P said...

I'm opting for a vanilla martini in lieu of Progresso soup today. Perhaps several.

And b/c tonight is the last night at the PT job, I've been putting some serious thought into grabbing a couple of thingytails b4, and even possibly throwing something in the break room fridge. (A nice box of Franzia, perhaps. Except the mice would probably make off with it. I'm all about a last day party with the rodents.)

More FRASS- I think I frassed up my medial deltoid on my right shoulder. Sore is one thing, blinding pain when I raise my arm is another. Farg.

I've got about 4 days growth of facial hair. One little hair on my upper lip is curling into my lip itself, causing me undue irritation. I plan on using my letter opening to perform the operation and removal.

FeeJ, that vanilla martini sounds really good. Where d'ya get something like that?

; )

tallen said...

My place. 5:30. Be there! ;-)
Maybe I can sneak a vanilla martini into tech?! Is that wrong?!

tallen vs. feej:
It always icked me out just a little, people who don't know me might think ill of me. I care... is it wrong that I care?! I can't help but care! It's what I do!

P said...


I'm at work until 8:30pm. FRASS.

I'll be sneaking in the picnic sized bottles of pinot, I guess.

: (

I am so, so, so, glad to be getting my nights/weekends back.

Someone told me once about these "Thursday Nights". I've heard it in both story, and song.

NO FeeJ, where did you OBTAIN the materials to create such delicious Wodka Martoona's?

It must've came from someplace all fancypants, like DT Mipples in the IDS or something.

ptxcupg? Idn't that the name of that f#cked up Rodent in PA? See's it's own shadow, and needs it sewn back on by Tinkerbell.

tallen said...

Sadly... I was just teasing about the 530 vanilla martini tonight...
I've got me a dinner/show date w/ a hottie I gotta pick up at 6pm.
However... Yes, thanks to a fabulous day before xmas eve outting w/ some guy named Mikey, I have all the fixin's I need... THANKS!

Back to the vanilla martini...
I do think we need a quiet night of martini-in' though. It will happen, oh yes, it WILL happen!

crinkle... that's what i do w/ my nose sometimes

P said...


I didn't win anything from the raffle. So no digital camera. And that means no ability to take boudoir photo's.


They did, however, raise over $5,000.00 for her family.

Portana said...

you know, redwright has a point...what are they gonna do if you dont show up? Fire you? Bwahahahaha.
If you are like me, the guilt will make you go.
Congrats on your nights back!

cdqdac--CD cue dat. I want song #3 please.

Frethem said...

I'm gonna have to go with Sally on this one... Flavored coffee is bunk. Ick. My Dad and I both can't stand having coffee from a machine if it was even previously USED to make flavored coffee.

FRASS yourself... I do highly recommend the Capresso Coffee Team Plus. Grinds and brews your java on a timer. The thing is DA BOMB! If you ever have your house warming party Massa P I might just get you one as a house warming present. Oh, and I have some extra cooking pans if you want one.