Monday, February 13, 2006

The moon strikes again...

You are all probably asking yourselves, right this very second..."Baby P: Why you be so full of frass?"

Welllll, I lead a charmed life, as many of you already know. And I really shouldn't judge a day based on the first 15 minutes of waking, buuuuttttt:

This morning, I opened a big bag of pretzels and was measuring out the portions to bring for lunch today. (A brilliant idea, I thought. Instead of spending the $ on the vending machine, just get the boo-too sized bag and ration them out. Yes, I thought of this the other day at the store. No, this isn't some new idea...shup.) Well, Mr. Bag was leaning against the back of the counter and decides to do it's own impression of the Olympics and do a 1/2 gainer off the side of the counter.

Yeah. I was able to stop the contents from COMPLETELY emptying onto the floor, but it made a mega big mess regardless. And of course, I step backwards to not grind any of them into the rugs, but they were yeah...there was crunching. And I split the bag 1/2 way down the side. Brilliance.

I get to work and I'm off to get some hot water for my tea. As I go over to the counter to "Doctor" the water with a little lemon juice and honey, I discover that someone threw a soy sauce packet in with the lemon juice. Now, by "discover", my little Magellans, I mean the soy packet looks just like the lemon juice packet. For a second I actually wondered why the water turned brown...At least they didn't charge me for a "Hot Water Refill"

Sorry. I just read a couple of chapters in the book "1401 things that P#ss me Off" and some of them were a little too true to be funny.

The moon was really pretty on the drive into the sticks, though.

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