Thursday, February 09, 2006

Weird Wednesday Night.


I am a wussenheimer.

Can someone explain to me, wait. Scratch that. Start over.

So last night work/home/napped. Roommate comes home. Shopping is done. Now, Seriously? I had 3 things on my Target list. 3. Tell me then how I wound up with a white wall shelf, new sheets, a cowboy belt (on sale, $4 btw) a new tie (on sale, $4.98 btw. Roomie says it looks nice) and a Diet Coke? I don't know. I hate the bullseye sometimes.

I putz through some more projects, help Armadillo get his room situated, talked to redwright, sang into a telephone (I do weird s#it like that) and then...Tex & I sit and shoot the breeze for a goodly while. We decide to reward ourselves w/a little trip to the Market for our labor.

"I'm only staying for one"
"And I'm only staying for an hour"
"59 minutes and 43 seconds now"
So we go. The one drink part was successful, Thanks DeeG. (And no, Kaiser, I wasn't drunk. I was fecking tired, and realized that I still had to drive home. Get those impure thoughts out of your brain.)
Although, we ended up staying later than we thought. Much. We were out past curfew mom, sorry.

And I beat the Armadillo home. Boo-Ya.

What I learned last night:
1) Apparently the new Evil Dead video game is pretty cool
2) My good friend Latt's (Who I never get to see) makes bi-weekly appearances at the Market.
3) I really, really need to stay in one of these nights. Like, full time.
4)I do dress like a social studies teacher. Witnesses agree.
5) I now have agreed to do yet another crazy thing while I've been drinking. I'm far too agreeable sometimes.*
6) I need to find a cozy watering hole closer to home. At least in the winter time. Cold cars suck
7) Even though his girl was with him, Kaiser wants my sweet ass. Not sayin...well, you know.
8) Cottage Cheese w/tabasco, btw, is something that does not make for good bar food. B4, or After.
9) I really like Text Messaging. Thanks MD for showing me the light to this wonderful piece of technology. And thanks to everybody that has texted me subsequently. The little things, you know?

I don't know why, it just kind of felt like a weird day yesterday. Do you guys ever get that feeling sometimes? Not necessarily a bad day, just kind of...weird.

I know. Coming from Captain Tangent, that's a profound-assed statement.


tallen said...

I've got the Evil Dead game... still haven't cracked it out of the plastic yet... MUST PLAY VIDEO GAMES!!!!!

I do have to brush up on my DDR though... I can't let the ladies show me up in my own home!

I've got an answer... just not one I'm willing to post here.

Unknown said...

So can you super-speed text yet?

Portana said...

Agreed on the weird day yesterday...even the dog was being weird last night. Maybe it was the Grammy's. Maybe, a glitch in the Matrix...
Did you take the red pill or the blue pill?
And do you use T9Word in texting? That is the BEST!

fkwjyulf-f*ck with joylf. Thats the best I have today.

tallen said...

Alas... Massa P has the retroKIA phone... no T9, and sheesh... no color either... no photos... no FUN!
P! can we go get you a new phone?! PLLLLEEEEAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEE?!??!?!?!

tanget... P never goes off on one of those! NEVER!

P said...

Full moon is coming up. That's why everyone is getting all antsy in the pantsy. (It's due on 2/13...awwoooooo!)

My phone is the size of a tricorder. Yes FeeJ, I've been mulling over a new phone for some time now. This one will wind up being used to balance my dining room table legs.

MD- Yes I can super-speed text, but only if I wear my red bandana.

Who am I kidding. Kids with flippers text fast than I do.

My word verifier is too fucking long to be creative.

Okay, I fooked the word up and got a new one


MD, wasn't that the name of your cabbie in Delhi?

Melinite said...

Please, can I hang out with you on Wednesdays? But please, can we start earlier than 9:30pm? My job is changing, but my hours aren't--my ass still needs to get up at 6:30am. =/

hngcgbcb: hangin' cog b'cz buh! ["I'm so pleased to spend time with you tonight," stated after the martinis have made us numb from the shoulders up.]