Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Train harder...

So while I was way laid at the lube-shoppe, I was able to catch up on a couple of those drecky Male Health magazines I covet so much. I read about some new Ab exercises I should probably try...(The Pilates Plank looks divine. Plank, btw) Some s#it on how to appropriately and effectively ask your sexual partner if they'd be willing to engage in some slap and tickle/role-playing (Hilarious..."Honey...I want you to wear the bunny suit again") Healthy recipes (Tell me this doesn't sound yummy- Broiled Salmon with a glaze made of mixed BBQ/Blueberry Preserves. It sounds weird? But Good.)

The last bit about diet made me happy. Apparently I'm currently eating food that is good for fighting cancer and keeping my internal organs happy. ( As I type this, I'm munching on fresh spinach and babycarrots. Granted, I have a little Fat Free Ranch dressing to dip it innn...whoooops. Got a blob of it right on the backspace key.) I get enough water, get my 2 alcoholic beverages and 2 cups of coffee a day...It made me feel better that I'm at least ingesting the right foods for me. It also made me realize that it has been far too long since my last physical. Crap. Nothing like a good old fashioned slap and tickle from a Doctor's cold hands.

Another thing is I've grown hyper sensitive to the vittles I eat now too. That 1.5 month period where I ate (precious little) really cleared me out, and I've slowly started to figure out what works for fuel and what really...ahem..."gums me up" as it were. (Cheese and heavy starches. Great.) The one thing I always want to be cautious of is compulsive eating. Snacksnacksnacksnacksnack...if it's on the table, I'll probably be shoving fistfuls in my mouth without even realizing how much I've eaten.

As for training/working out? I'm at the point where if I miss a run/workout/'fu session I don't really feel centered or focused.

I think it's a good place for me physically. I just wish that I wasn't so sore some days.

At least I'm not training like these guys. Holy Shi-Ballz. Click on the link that says "Spartan Training"

Yeah...train like a Spartan.


Unknown said...

I have started a food diary and for the past few weeks, I have written down everything that has passed my lips. As I am single, its a pretty clean list ;)
It has helped me to work out exactly what nutrients I need more of and how to get them in my days. I am doing ketosis in the week and cycling off onto a higher carb level (100-200g) at the weekend to replenish my glycogen stores. I am also writing down all of my workouts and energy supplements. I think having it all in excel where I can go back and see what I ate and what resulted in good or bad training days has helped me a lot to move towards my goals.
Hey you don't get "man arms" from eating junk all day.
Anyway try the food/fitness diary thing, it has really helped me.

P said...

"I have started a food diary and for the past few weeks, I have written down everything that has passed my lips. As I am single, its a pretty clean list ;)"

1st of all...that's almost so tempting to comment on, I'm afraid that it's a trap. (catches breath)

This is too fucking funny/weird:

I've actually got my food/calorie chart kept in an ExCel spreadsheet, oddly enough.

My workout diary is my planner, where I can see what I've done on a day to day basis aerobically vs. anaerobically.

Ex: This morning was strength training. (Shoulders/Abs/Arms) Evening will be aerobic. (Run) Tomorrow will be aerobic and karate(Flexibility)then wire fu. Etc...

Aerobic exercise is the only thing I try (try) to do 5-6 days a week- 30-45 sustained minutes, which is optimum for chub-burning.

I have a ratio of 40/40/20 Protein/Carb/fat ratio, plus the supp's to aid and abett re-growth and recovery. This is invariably switched out on a weekend (Sunday's- My "Cheat" day) Which is when I increase my carbies in the form of something starchy- like potatoes, pizza or pasta- Or the "Big Breakfast".

Otherwise, for fun I'll hit a buffet and have a calorie splurge which really f##k's with my metabolism up after weeks of portioning and maintaining the balance. (I've lost weight the next day after doing that. Fool the body. It loves routine, and it's a great way to avoid plateau's. And get the coveted Chinese Buffet)

Otherwise I keep it simple. Fresh raw Fruit/Veggies, Broth-y based Soup, low-fat measured snacks, Yogurt, and a sensible dinner of 8 oz of some kind of lean protein. (I've got a deeeelicious looking filet of smoked halibut thawing as we speak. Yee to the Haw.)

And you know why I lost hella weight a few months ago. The trick now is staying in shape keeping "My machine" defined and working. (No more pot bellies on baby P. Which means keeping superfluous calories minimized...like having a 3rd glass of wine, or an extra bag of pretzels during the day.)

I'm working on trying to be built more "Greecian"... ; )

And you don't have man arms ya doof. You just smell like produce.

And I just realized that I'd have like to spend the $ I spent on my rip-off oil change on a bottle NO2...Frass!

Melinite said...

I'm with you, Dorajar. My parents were visiting this weekend, and my dad said something about chocolate cake, and all I've wanted for the past three days is a huge slice of chocolate cake from Cafe Latte.

But, I've also worked out on the Bowflex twice this week, and I've taken my vitamin and calcium every day. Now, if I don't fall down the stairs and break my head open, I might stay healthy for a while. :)

P said...

Mmmmmm, Latte'. An amazing after dinner coffee/dessert bullet point that I'd Huh-IGHLY recommend-uh...


I hate to be insistent AND Sentimental, but you should all try the Apple Dumpling Cake with Ice Cream in honor of the late Don Knotts. Just sayin.

Melinite I think you and MD need crash helmets and padding before you go out in public. Kah-BOOM!