Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The, Saturday.

Where Captain Hostbacon thinks Scandinavian in the morning, gets frantic, warms his house, and doesn’t sleep a wink.

Dorajar and I decided to hit Ikea in the am for a two-fold purpose. (1) To see what the fuss is about the 99 cent breakfast and (2)…I’m not really sure why. OH! Rug and Textile sale..riiiiight. We moved around a little bit, 86ing the thought of BKFST (I’m sorry: Eggs and sausage shavings? Gnasty) and then proceeded to wander. And what a wander it was. Outside of additional veeno glasses and a tasteful potpourri table display (IM-pulse. Settle DOWN baby P) there was NOTHING that floated my boat. Except maybe a heart shaped pillow with arms. No. That was just creepy. Like the creepy streamlined show-room child in the kids bedroom. Ish. (Other notables: There was a lil’ Porkchop who was…screaming. No, I take that back. Sccrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaamming. And it echoed. And carried. Parents: I understand children can have fits. Ikea’s acoustics are just not in your favor. The mom would have been better off carrying a megaphone. Loud.)

The rest of the day (where did it go?) was relegated to cleaning/projecting/putting the ‘dillo to work. And hitting the LQ/’Bow for some last minute noshies. The only things I didn’t get to do was nap/karate/go for a run. But, seeing as it was still a gazillion degree’s below the jogski would have been lethal. And I barely had enough time to get the vegetarian chili crock-in’.

The salmon seemed to go well, as did the fucking cheese. (P’s dad: "P, don’t put out that much cheese…that’s too much, no one'll eat that much") Embarrassing stories were told. ("So tell me Mrs. P about when Mikey was digging through the Playboys") Friends were made. (I fecking KNEW that ‘Tex's bohemian 75 year old cousin and my mom would get along. ) A poor Jet Lagged MD hooked me up with a phat Tea Set (Thanks gorgeous.) Brisket was demolished. (Redwright, Mom still wants a recipe) Home brew was imbibed (Hooooo, Tech has a super secret beer boyfriend in RSVP now) And there was a super cute picture of Dorajar and FeeJ curled up on the chair like cats.

All told, I think that for an intimate gathering of family and close friends it went rather well. I was mostly worried about Tex, knowing that he’s never been involved in the process of having any more than 1-2 people over and in the same room at once. (I wanted to be respectful to the new roomie)

He told me the next day that he had a wonderful time. Attaboy.

It’ll be a nice test for cast and house parties later. ("Thoreau" is opening in a couple of weeks. That’s a pretty small cast to have over. It’ll be nicer when the weather gets warm and people can start convening outside)

At least my floor didn’t cave in. That was a legitmate concern. And, you know…having a working bathroom door was pretty important too.


P said...

I'm thinking that the next gathering will actually be a legitimate party, and that it will have to be a bacchanalian pajama-jammy-jam. (I'm going to wear those "X-Men" underpants I saw at H and M. Just sayin...)

Granted, the weather will have to eventually get up into the single digits, but it could happen. (It was good to finally meet you too. Sorry if the rain might have ruined your Tivo)

Weather warning- That part of March when y'all are moving in is the beginning of High School Winter Sports Tourney's- And we alllllways have big snowstorms around that time.

Redwright- I would love to, but I'm heading over to JJ's for some video game goodness. (With this house cleaning kick over with for the time being, I have plenty of time to hang and watch movies. I'll bring the sticky rice bowls and Sake! We should get Great Dragon Take out and watch "Ong Bak: Thai Warrior!") xoxoxox

Roman said...


Your friends seemed nice.


I really liked your friend who made the beer. (I love him.)

And your friend who made the cow.
(I love her.)

hraxukq - The sound one makes when hrawking up a lugie.