Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Kicked in the Head by Love...

It should go without saying that I’m not the biggest fan of this holiday…if you can call it that. Yes, I think that it’s a bit on the commercial side, and honestly I can’t pull any single V-day memory from my archives that would even remotely warrant discussing. (Fook, last year I was engaged in manual labor. Nothing says loving like drywallin’) All I know is that, for some people anyway, today will be the day that marks the following:

Dinner (restaurants are almost AL-ways booked solid. I had to fight tooth and claw one year to get my gf to go to dinner at 4:30pm at La Bodega. "But that’s soooo eaaaarly". Sorry love, that’s the fookin’ POINT! See, if she’d been thinking outside the box, she’d realize that an earlier dinner means earlier digestion, means earlier "event" ala' movie, means earlier face time for nookie. Kay so maybe that’s just me thinking "inside the box"…HEY OH!),

Buying s#it (Oooo, those vicious jewelers and their vicious advertisements. I’m a little "red overwhelmed" right now. Red Red Red Red Red. Coffee mugs, stuffed animals, Cars...Everywhere. Cards too. Does anyone else think this holiday is a Hallmark conspiracy? We can’t let them win! Fight the future! X-Files, X-FILES!)

Candy: (‘Kay. So admittedly I’m not a dessert kinda guy. No good there. Plus, too many years of getting those pepto tasting candy messages. "Be Mine". Get real. How 'bout something like "Mad Hot Monkey Sex"? Probably wouldn't fit on the candy.)

Drink: (I can sort of get behind this. "Liquor, sir, is a great equivocator". )

Make it a special occasion for, "Something": (Engagement, major purchases –see "buy shit", getting a new puppy or kitty, the annual or bi-annual BeeJ…you know. Something special.)

My personal point is this: I happen to think that love, romance, complimentary messages, surprise kisses, Big bear hugs, backrubs, giving someone a card or a complimentary BeeJ, and really "general thoughtfulness" should be demonstrated year round. With pride. (It’s like how I think you should carry the spirit of X-mas with you year round too… Albeit, it is it’s own separate animal due to having deeper historical relevance, and carols)

Anyway, regardless of your feelings on the commercial aspect or cheesiness, or even if you are a rabid Valentines Day fan…tell someone you love’em/care about’em regardless. Or, you know…give’em a BeeJ, if that’s your thing.

Me? I’m seeing an anti-Valentines Play tonight. Yee-Haw for wine and laughter. And the first memorable Valentines day in a long time. It’ll be nice to have one in my memory box.


(*Oh, the headgear reference? I finally got the phat hookup for my cage headgear. No more getting banned from sparring, baby. The plus side? I got it for dirt cheap -$10! Yee to the Haw. )

(*OMT: Wire fu last night? I’d talk more about it, but it was my night to work the ropes. And it was way more fun to watch my big-brother go all Neo. He’s a natural, baby)


Unknown said...

Lets see how much I can get for the $10 headgear.
Bring it on, will you be at the junction?

P said...

Yeah, I think I can swing it. And bring it.

Yee Haw.

It's going to be so cold on Sunday, it'll be deathly. Ooooooo.