Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm so nuts, you could call me "Planter's"

After sleeping in late (for me anyway) MeeP's and I juggled around our ritual Sunday bkfst idea's- Pannekoeken?* (Can you actually say that without yelling it out loud? "PAAAAANNNNNEKOEKEN!") Too far. Victor's 1959 seemed like a hot ticket, but it was feck all crowded. So, we chugged over to Eat Street and had Bad Waitress to satiate our palate. We also bullet pointed some other restaurant for future excursions. About the "B.A"? If you haven't been, go. (In reference to the self-service style of breakfasting- "I would have stood around for a half an hour before figuring this shit out.")

It's at this point I should mention that I was starting to feel kinda pucky. Sniffly. Scratchy Throaty. Not. Too. Good.

After we split, I hauled a$$ out to BeeP's to help Ma und Pa with some moving/'eavy lifting. I'd like to paint you all the picture of an injury:

Me: "I shoulda brought my weight belt"
Da: "Gawdemmit P! You're a young man! You'll be fine!"
Me: "Um, dad? This thing is fuck-all heavy, bordering on immobile"
Mom: "Language!"
Da: "You'll be fine, grab the heavier side for me will ya?"

So what happened was I was heaving this shelf unit on top of a cabinet when I just felt a "ping" around my lower back-al area. Great. Dad's praise of "Oh, you saved me from being laid up for a week with a back injury" was enough to sustain me for a little while, but dammit. I didn't like that "ping!"

Mom and I bickered after I stumbled across some HS Ex-GF pictures. I started tossing 'em and she dove right into the trash with protests of "You look so nice in this picture" or "You too look so cute here!". Meh, not so much. I promised to bring them home with me to put in storage, but to tell the truth it was so I could toss 'em in the relative peace and quiet of NE Mipples.
At least I was able to get the pictures out of her hands b4 she stumbled across the nude ex gf photo. That woulda taken some 'splaining.

When I got home I just...faded. It was dark-ish out, I was sore, sickish, and in no real mood to work out or go to the I passed out. Only to be awoke by my phone ringing with RSvP saying he had a student that was potentially going to be there. I relented, and wented. And it turned out to be a good time. (Noteworthy inside joke- Baby P is very good about packing his gear after class. Love, Retardhead. Retardhead, btw.)

Now, after the Junction I could have just showered and went to bed, but nooooooo I went for my run. And do you know what? I felt like a million bucks after that, and the sickness started to fade...(Only to be replaced by exhaustion. Yay sleep deprivation) I got a little gussied to pop over to El Hombre's B-day at the Henn History Museum. Incidentally, if you get the chance you all should check out their Burlesque exhibit that's going on right now. Super cool.

And today? I'm so boo-too mega tired I just wanna pass out and sleep for a week. The weekend of March 10-12th cannot get here fast enough. I'm in need of some downtime**...and some Thrillz...

*Pannekoeken, btw.
** Considering I'm not really gigging right now, I kinda feel like I have no excuse for my exhaustion.


Portana said...

Aw, gee. And here I thought you were all excited for March 10-12 because of my arrival to the TC ;-P

I'm tired, well, because, moving while exciting, labor-wise sucks.

craseiu==french for crazy you.

P said...

Pack away, Packer. I do not envy that in the slightest. (We're gonna have to have a celebratory shinding when you get into town. Yee to the Haw!)

ddopqevd...Seriously, am I the only guy that gets these long as verifiers?

Dingle-Douchey Over-Protective Quasi-Ecumenical Venereal Disease?