Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I am, that homeowner...

Seriously. Does anyone else get excited about this stuff? Prolly not.

(Sighs) I have become that homeowner.

Oh well...I'm going. So nyah. Anyone wanna go with me?


tallen said...

the link ain't workin'! what is it?! I'm a silly homeowner too! I might go w/ you... if I knew what it was!!!

Melinite said...

It's the Home Expo, Tallen. I'd be all about going, too, but we'll have to see where we are with the house projects that we're already in the middle of right now. :)

P said...

Yeah but...Yeah but...


Come with me FeeJ and Mel. We can look at housey-crap and get ideas...and stuff. And more.

'Kay, I won't be able to afford half the stuff, but still...IDEA'S!!! (I have to be the only dork that gets excited over this stuff.)

P said...

I'm going. The sign at work says this about it:

"The Big One is Here"

I don't know what that means, but it sounds like a hot ticket.

tsbzq: Those Sum Bitchin' Zebra Queens!

Portana said...

In Billings, we have somewhat the same thing except with a REALLY BAD commercial...
Lets all go
Where to?
The home improvement show.

Yeah, not so much. Too many Watikins booths for me, not enough actual ideas (Montana design is not my thing...wood, dried tree limbs and bears is NOT interior decorating!)

Revar--isn that something you use in construction ;-)

P said...

Yeah, but it makes for phat cabin design. (An old friend of mine had a cabin that was dolled up to look all rustic and Montanan. Complete with Buffalo skulls and pine bed frames. It was actually charming. And a shame that we destroyed the f##k out of it when we were in our cups.)


"Dear Ndebo..."

Melinite said...

Isn't there one at the RiverCentre, too, in San Paulo?

Anyway, I would go for ideas. It'll probably be more useful than the wedding show I went to in 2003. Of course, the wedding show had super yummy desserts all over it. Yummy.

mrhkciqu: ciqu, the language spoken by meer cats

P said...

Y'know, I hit a Wedding Show in a past life circa '04. I hated it. And I will use the "H" word again. I-Hated-It. Cake or not. Definitely not canned peaches. Not-Canned-Peaches.

And then I think about "Father of the Bride": "What kahnd of cock do you wahnt, Mester Bahnks?"

You guys should come with. It'll be fun. We can drink. b4 and After.

oeunzd? Oui, nozad?