Friday, February 17, 2006

Feerkin COLD!

I was thinking that I shouldn't be all frassy about the weather, you know? "Hey, it's been a mild winter P, so why frass?"

B/C it is winter. And because it's now in the neg's in terms of temperature. When it's so cold that it hurts? That's cold. When you can't go for a run because any area of exposed skin is in danger of frostbite? Cold. When I planned on getting all gussied up to see "Twelfth Night" tonight, and even with my new longjohns, and I think "Hmmm, maybe I can start a fashion trend: Snowmobile Suit Chic?".

Yeah...Wicked cold. (I'm thinking tropical...Thinking tropical....Thinking tropical..)

Speaking of longjohns, I busted out the new guys to give'em a test drive. I may have grabbed the wrong size, I don't know- What I do know is that the waist is fine (I know that you were all worried) the length is fine...but the legs are tiiiight. Like, "pantyhose that is worn to prevent varicose veins" tight. Not uncomfortable...but man. Tight. Minnesotans should be called "Masters of Foreplay" because it takes sooooo long to peel off layer after layer of clothing. A technique we like to call "The slow reveal."

Other wardrobe malfunctions- I'm starting to become a fan of big belt buckles. Cowboy style. (Not pro-wrestler) I've currently got 3-4 in my collection, having added the last one after my recent Maxx visit. ($3 bucks? For Kenneth Cole? Hell yeah) While I realize that this is a fad, and that kids in another 15-20 years will be combing Valu Thrift for P-buckles, I still persist. In the meantime, I will have retired to sweatpants.

Black Silk Pajama bottoms...That's all I'm saying.

Faeriepainter reminded me of why I need adult supervision at ALL times, even when grooming.
Last night I shaved real close so I could be silky smooth for my on-camera today- When I'm in the bathroom at my office getting warshed up, I notice a "patch" on my chin which I missed during my shower shave. And not even a cool "runway" beard, this thing was off centered and weird shaped. Yeah, I'm betting I landed this gig. Hooooooooo Pretty.

I'm tired. At least shaking in my car will keep me awake. BTW, Welcome from your tundra to ours, Portana!

So, another poll: Were you guys into Jake Ryan or Lloyd Dobbler?


Nixie said...


too freaking cold

but there are spiders in warmness....



tallen said...

When I'm in the bathroom at my office getting warshed up...

Oh no you di'in!

alls i know is that the skirt i'm wearin' tomorrow night...well... it may have shrunk in the warsh...

raven said...

Lloyd Dobbler all the way.

As for the cold...I keep reminding myself that I will miss the seasons when we move. Even the feerkin' cold ones.

P said...

It hurt. That's how frassin' cold it was. My core temperature decreased significantly. I don't think I'd miss deadly cold temps. I've been cutting holes in all my shirts due to my ta's being sharp as toothpicks. Ow. I look like I'm in a Def Leppard Tribute band.

See, the Dobbler/Ryan argument is in the same vein as the Ginger/Maryann argument (btw- Maryann all the way baby. AND btw- Dawn Wells? Age 68? Still gorgeous. But y'know, P's into the sexy seniors)

I like the "Beth/Monique" argument from the Jon Cusack movie "Better Off Dead". I think Lane Meyer had his head up his a$$, and should have totally went "Eternal Sunshine" on Beth and went straight for Monique. She fixes cars, speaks French, ski's...I don't know. Even my 10/11 year brain said "Lane Meyer...don't be a douchebag. Play your sax for Moniiiique!!! She waaants you! And if you won't see her for the beautiful creature she is? Well, there is a 5th grader here with a lot of love to give..."

And please- I will love forever the person who can obtain the picture of Ricky that Monique was given for Christmas. Priceless.