Friday, May 13, 2005

That really sucks.

Please forgive me if I have nothing pithy or excitable to say today. I was rear-ended last night at a stop light on my way to meet a friend who was leaving for Africa. (As crazy as that sounds.) It turned out to be a terrible night of bad karaoke, a few self-centered actors, and if you read the newspaper: A shooting at the bar across the street. (Thank Goodness I left about 10 minutes before it happened) When I got home (and after being asked if I was all right) J said that I was taking it remarkably calm, given that she would probably have been flying off her 6th or 7th handle by then. My rationale was that (a) Nothing I could do about it (b) My car is still drivable, (c) it wasn’t my fault, (d) It could have been much, much worse, and (N) at least the airbag didn’t deploy- giving me a bloody nose or something.

I ended up missing my alarm, I woke up sore, and forgot that I had an HR training seminar to attend today at our Woodbury campus. My boss looked at me when I showed up at the wrong building and said "WTF are you doing here?" Then I got in trouble.

In cyberspace, no one (who cares) can hear you scream…so you’ll please excuse me while I go and file an In-FUCKING- surance claim with my GODDAMN agency!!!

Thank you for letting me vent. I’m seeing "Take me Out" tonight, starring the Geef’s weenie. Or "GuhFweener".


Anonymous said...

for what it's worth... i'm sorry you had a sucky night... really does sound pretty darn poopy.

Frethem said...

A little thing... if you were rear ended, you shouldn't be calling your insurance company. You should be calling the person who hit you. Your insurance company has nothing to do with it.

Air bags dont deploy cept on frontal collisions. Even a slightly off angle (Such as me smashing into a guard rail last year at 50 MPH) still wont even cause them to deploy. You also have to be traveling at least 10 MPH.

Sucks dude... It's hard not to just want to go to the guy or gal: "WHAT THE F**K WE'RE YOU THINKING!" but yeah... we all do stupid things sometimes.

Just remember... Thursday morning. 12:01 AM. You, me, and the walking carpet. (and I dont mean McHardon) ;-)

P said...

Thanks y'all. I'm still peeved when I woke up this morning and my back was sore.