Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Durp Durp Durp

Wow. Reading another bloggers blogginess about not having anything to blog about has given me a case of writers block. blog. Eeesh.

Soooooo: P presents Random Crapola!!!

1-I think people don’t think I take things seriously. I do take things seriously, I just don’t infuse my life with a retarded sense of hyperdramatics (And when I do, it’s usually because I’m trying to make people smile). It ain’t healthy to stress out about everything and it’s cat. KnowwhutImean?

2-Kaiser…I have a real problem. I see funny crap in just about everything, everyday. And it takes a (in my little brain) Bacchanalian effort to try and not comment on every little thing. (I know it can irritate the piss out of people) I’m also certain that it gives folks this whole "P’s a pervy hammy guy" vibe….but I swear I’m not right in the heid. Example: I received an email from my boss regarding "Unit Costs"…my first thought? Hmmmm, how much does a unit cost? I suppose it depends on the wielder of said unit…etc…

3-I’m cutting down my H20 intake as of Sunday. I’m thinking that a gallon of water a day (Or 128 Fl Oz, or 16 8 oz. Glasses a day, whatever!) well, I’m thinking that this is what makes me feel and look kinda bloaty on a daily basis. And that’s just water folks- I’m not even counting the OJ, Pineapple Juice, or Booze. Moderation is okay, P

4-Ocean’s 12 was okay. I mean, there was enough in it that kept my attention, so yeah. It was okay.

5-They aren’t going to be able to install my cabinets for another 2 weeks. Forkers.

6-Buca’s Eggplant Parmesan owns. It just, owns.

7-Champps stocks a shitty Pinot Grigio. I mean, craptacular. This reminds me- I think it is HI-larious whenever J and I go to dinner and I order a chicky Caesar w/the dressing on the side and she orders the Bacon Cheese Chicken Whatever Sandwich w/Fries- The server ALWAYS puts the salad in front of her, and the sandwich in front of me.

8-Whenever I call my gayfriendsteve, I always start off the conversation w/ something along the lines of "Oooooooooo…you wanna suck my big, fat, Molly Ringwald??? Oooooooooo" I have no idea why, but this makes us both laugh our asses off. And it causes J to say to me "I don’t want to know who you were talking to."

9-J’s dad made up a curse word. I’m pretty sure that (last night) when we were working on the kitchen re-wire he said "cockrabbit". I’m positive. So I made one up too: "Dicksauce". Say it out loud: "Ooooooooo, dicksauce!"

10- I actually sent in to win Ep.III tickets through a Strib promotion. My geekiness knows no bounds. If I had photoshop, I would desperately try and win a Darth Vader lightsaber at AICN's promotion. Geeeeeeek!!!!

I actually got up to ten? I am a big dumb animal, folks.

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