Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Prom '92, part deux

I know you all were waiting with baited breath for the gripping conclusion. No, I know you weren’t… : (

When we last left our hero, he was pantsless and floating in a sea of despair. (Read: Big ass naughty hotel jacuzzi.) His date: Topless and drowning in her own teen pathos (Read: pining for the ex.). The other couple: Engaging in carnal acts in the far corner of the tub, caring little for their own modesty. (Read: drunk and screwing teens.)
What was I to do, you ask?

Thinking quickly, (and hoping that the other couple was distracted…what am I saying, I’m almost positive they were distracted) I lept from the tub towards the corner where I thought my trunks and the bikini top lay. A veritable white streak I was, dripping mullet trailing behind me in a blur. I donned my trunks with a speed, which hadn’t been achieved since the locker room after Junior High Phy Ed swimming. I grabbed the dates top, and handed it back to her which she quickly donned, and helped her out of the tub. Then, I grabbed our overnight bags and led her toward the bathroom- The pinkish, moaning, tangled mess of teens writhing outside my periphery. (Sploosh, Sploosh. Sploosh…"HEY, where’r ya goING?)
In the bathroom we put on our jammies and proceeded to "Talk".

Me- "What’s wrong"
Her- "I miss Old Boyfriend...buh WAAAAAHHH!!!" I started to feel like I was in a Jon Cusack movie. Love that teen angst, huh?

10-15 minutes later, the door opens and there wobbling was a very wet and naked girl number 2 . With bleary eyes she sez "What’r yooos doin’?" Pissed, Un-laid, Un-loved, I made a very off-color comment which resulted in the door getting slammed on me. So, I grabbed the room key and left for a little walk. When I got back, my date was still crying, girl two was bitching in the Igloo, and dude number two was lying at the bottom of an empty hot tub. Naked and pissed, all I could hear him garble was "Gimme back the damn bottle! I wan my Jack, dammit!" She made some remark about him being Mr. Limpy pants because of the whiskey…and proceeded to come out and slam the bottle down on the tub. Breaking it. My girl came out of the ‘Throom, looks over at nude dude, and drops the washcloth she was using as a hanky over his package. I had had enough.

I started for the bed (A yuge waterbed inside the "Igloo" complete with Penguins sewn on the comforter) In order to get in there you had to crawl through the concrete igloo "opening". In doing so, I promptly smacked my forehead head and was knocked out for about a minute and ahalf...then I crawled, crawled up into bed…pulled up the sheets, and realized that no matter who I told about this: No one would believe me. And I also realized if I felt motion in the ocean while I was sleeping- I was gonna yell at someone.

I love prom. And I have pictures of almost all of the events, sans nudity. Taken on a good old 110 camera. The End.

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