Thursday, May 12, 2005

Well, that settles that...

I have been reminded that plane tix/rooms have been purchased for August 11th through 15th as part of J’s birthday extravaganza. We’re getting the heck outta Mipples and heading East to the Big nipple= NYC. (get a rope) Yes sir howdy, 5 days in city as pure unadultered tourons. We’ll be seeing "Wicked", "Spamalot" (If I have my way), munch Sbarro in Times Square (You gotta get Sbarro in T.S.) swill Starbucks and wait in line at TKTS, check out the Statue of Liberty, and hopefully I will get to revisit MMoA. (A bad-ass museum, as it were. It is NY, fer chrissakes! I’ll be a month too late for their Basquiat exhibition. See that movie for some bad-ass acting.) And you guessed right my fellow backtors, she said no classes, auditioning, or anything remotely theatre-related will be done. (Except as patrons.) I’m betting that she still packs her dancin’ shoes.

So, I guess I'll have ta wait for another remount of KFH. I’m trying to convince my big brother (the ninja*) to audition in my stead. He’d make a great "Ghost of Hamlet’s Father". Ahhhh, hell. It woulda been fun to do a show with him. Maybe someday we'll just stage our own fight show for goofs and kicks. Geef, Weef: I am deeply appreciative of your encouragement. On the flip side, I suppose the time away from those rehearsals will give me time to re-read Picnic, and take some more voice lessons for the impending "Gayspell" audition, and fart around the house. Heh-Heh. "Gaayyyyschpelllll". That sounds reeeeally funny if you say it out loud with a strained German accent.

That dork (my Big Bro) was coaching some of his TKD students at his qualifier tourney to get into Nationals. Now get this- He hasn’t fought in a tourney in, oh, 4 years or so since he was competing on the NCKA circuit. So, on a whim he enrolls in the competition and takes 1st. So now he’s the "MN Men’s Heavyweight Championship Fighter in Sport Karate/TKD". (You wouldn’t believe the incredible amount of shit I gave ‘im. "Sooooo, Mr. Foreman. Fighting in the Heavyweight division now, was it? Weren't you a middleweight, when last we checked?" Heh heh heh. We take our shots were we can. Whatev, he could still kill me.) He won on a fucking whim.

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