Monday, May 02, 2005

Stuck in my craw...

(1st- Fug. It's cold. Like, no fun cold where the fuck did summer go did we pass it I don't know but it frickin sucks...cold. )

I got a wild hair up my butt last week and ended up shopping Amazon for 3 plays- 2 out of pure fancy, and the 3rd is a play I was told I should audition for. How weird am I? "P- Blah de blah theatre is doing 'Blah', and Blah-de McBlah is directing it, you should totally audition!" Next thing you know I'm buying the play, checking my schedule for the next couple of months, thinking about what role would suit me, blah. I get weirdly OCD about things like that sometimes. I'm not cast, yet I'm thinking...always thinking. I'm fat.

That's the way it is with me. I get an idea, thought, whim and I start figuring out how to make it work.

Yestiddy, J was watching "West Side Story" (Which, I hear tell, is the next show her employer is producing.) I kiddingly told her that I'd make a terriffic Puerto Rican Lady. She sez back to me: "I really think you should audition, hon." (Insert my eye roll here.) And even though I'm cognizent enough to know my own skill levels and also realize after 7 or 8 auditions out there I won't get cast. (I know who they'll go with, and the dudes they do cast can usually dance like mo-fo's) Even after all that rigga, as soon as J said "Whatever sweetie. You can sing. I've heard you before." (sighs) I realized that I'll probably audition for that too. I'm a sucker. I can't say no to her.

"A guy like dat...he keel your bruddah!" Seriously. If you haven't seen the flick, or haven't seen it in a while, check it out. Russ Tamblyn's unassisted back flip off the pole is as unbelievable as any Jackie Chan stunt.

I'm also thinking of T-shirts. FeeF PeeT. Funny to me.

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