Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Shopski and Hutch

After work yestiddy, J and I helped her dad finish some electrical crappy in the kitchen in preparation for Thursdays cabinet delivery. (2 days and counting kids!) Being the po' actors that we are, we thought we'd capitalize on the few remaining g.c.'s we have in our possession to expand our DVD collection. The booty: Clerks (We have J's film debut Mallrats, Dogma, and Chasing Amy. I told her that we couldn't watch any of them until we saw the 1st film. She was just a little bit underwhelmed, given that it was a 1st time film by a 1st time filmmaker...but there were still a few requisite chuckles from her. 'Specially the mis-treatment of customers bit. "That's how you are at the costume shop, aren't you?" Yes honey, I am Randall.) "Jay and Silent Bob Strike back" (YOU are the one's who are the Ball Lickers!), and Big Fish (Random, I know, but we both do love that tear puller of a movie.)

While at the Best of BUy, I tried to casually slip a "Force FX Lightsaber" into our basket. It was noticed. Thankfully the nice clerk had one out of the box for me to twirl around for a minute. At least until I started knocking over the answering machine. J stayed about 5 rows away and hid. *

We also peeked in Bed Bath and Beyond to check out some curtain-age, and wound up walking out with this kinda "Euro Chair" for the TV room. It's kitchy, and looks very "Star Trekky", yet remarkably comfortable and fits two nicely : ) (ahem)

Now, this is for the truly home oriented nerd: We picked our sink and faucets. Yeah....We're finally gonna have a KITCHEN!!!!

(We started moving some of our major appliance back in from the dining room where we've been camping out, BACK into the kitchen. The room it creates, oh my, the room.)

I'm off to present at a board meeting. You know the one- Where you get so "bored" attending?

* DVD which I almost purchased that didn't make the list:
Revenge of the Nerds
Real Genius
Breakin' II Electric Boogaloo
The Last Dragon
Twin Peaks Season One (The couldn't find it)
Mulholland Dr.

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